Which preposition to use with fagging

at Occurrences 5%

They haven't met since he was his fag at Rugby."

to Occurrences 5%

"You're looking fagged to death.

in Occurrences 4%

One evening Tom and East were sitting in their study, Tom brooding over the wrongs of fags in general and his own in particular.

of Occurrences 3%

With an aching clearness of vision she saw what lay before herthe hurried preparations, the long tedious voyage on a steamer chosen at haphazard, the arrival in the deadly July heat, and the relapse into all the insufferable daily fag of nursery and kitchenshe saw it and her imagination recoiled.

for Occurrences 3%

Fags for the firin' line.

with Occurrences 3%

After twenty-one days on the water, Sturt began to look most anxiously for indications of the sea, for his men were fagging with the unremitting labour and short rations, and they had only the strength of their own arms to rely on for their return against the current.

from Occurrences 2%

" So, in the winter vacation when Payson, Sr., fagged from his long day at the office sought the "Frolics" or the "Folies," Payson, Jr., might be seen at a concert for the harpsichord and viola, or at an evening of Palestrina or the Earlier Gregorian Chants.

like Occurrences 2%

Our men were fagged like hunted deer, and the day proved oppressively hot.

on Occurrences 1%

'Ye're in a hurry,' he now observed, and put the usual question: 'Ha'e ye a fag on ye?' Macgregor obliged, saying as kindly as he could, 'I'll maybe see ye later, Wullie.' 'Thon girl again, I suppose.'

over Occurrences 1%

Then your barrister, fagging over dull books, and wearing a three-tailed wig, and talking for hours, that his client, right or wrong, may be successful!

at Occurrences 1%

Many a twilight of last summer, tired with his fagging at the Works to make good the evil of Whiffler's rule, he had lain there on the rocks under the hemlocks, breathing the spicy methyl they poured into the air.

Which preposition to use with  fagging