Which preposition to use with flicks

of Occurrences 9%

This choked me off, for though as a rule I have no objection to a slight scuffle, I felt that in my present condition the average housemaid could knock me over with the flick of a duster.

with Occurrences 5%

That brute who is'and he flicked with a stick he carried the uncovered wound of a wretch upon the roadside'makes me more satisfied with my condition.

over Occurrences 4%

13 First his glance plunged into vacancy; then it flicked over his shoulder at Nelly Lebrun and he bit his lip.

on Occurrences 4%

"Ah, don't you see I'm serious?" Her glance flicked on either side, as though she feared someone might have read his lips.

across Occurrences 3%

Her glance flicked across his face and then fluttered down, and her color increased guiltily.

into Occurrences 3%

The Colt flicked into his hand and lay trembling in his palm, and as he talked, it shifted smoothly, as if of its own volition, forward toward his fingertips, backward, to the side, dropping out until it seemed about to fall, only to be caught with one finger through the trigger-guard and spun up again.

out Occurrences 3%

Pull your gun!" That last came out with a snap, and the revolver of Quade flicked out of its holster with a convulsive jerk of the big man's wrist.

at Occurrences 2%

Violet responded to the flick at her national pride.

from Occurrences 2%

Nevertheless, Racey took the time to work to the right and recover the hat that a bullet had flicked from his head.

behind Occurrences 1%

A priest passes us, bows deeply to us, and in an instant is gone round a jog in the street, the skirts of his black robe flicking behind him.

against Occurrences 1%

And there were color-flashing parrots, too, a-wing and noisy in the high branches; and apes that swung and chattered; and round the high, golden walls of the citadel, half visible through the cloud of green and party-colored foliage, whirls of pigeons, white as snow, flicked against the gold.

past Occurrences 1%

" The locomotive whistle was droning again, and a dodging procession of red-eyed switch-lights flicked past the windows.

through Occurrences 1%

Something flicked through the leaves; and, almost on the instant, the phenomenon of the little phosphorescent spot repeated itself, though in a different place from the first one.

to Occurrences 1%

His outstretched hand caught Dan's shirt as the latter flicked to one side.

in Occurrences 1%

The othersmall, quick, mercurial, with blue-black, curling beard and hair, a fly-switch for ever flicking in his left handwas Scott, of the Courier, who had come through more dangers and brought off more brilliant coups than any man in the profession, save the eminent Chandler, now no longer in a condition to take the field.

up Occurrences 1%

The German machine guns were now busy, and sent sprays of bullets flicking up the ground all round us.

off Occurrences 1%

Barbro cannot help smiling, and being not unused to acting under critical circumstances, she flicks off the flea at once.

Which preposition to use with  flicks