Which preposition to use with forages

for Occurrences 51%

A train of sixteen wagons was provided to carry the baggage, supplies, and forage for the trip; and, besides these, there were three four-horse ambulances in which the guns were carried, and in which members of the party who became weary of the saddle might ride and rest.

in Occurrences 18%

They foraged in the past; they recognized themselves in their ancestors; they found feudal England, which had existed for many hundreds of years, a dumb thing; and when she did not know her own meaning, they endowed her purposes with words.

on Occurrences 6%

So Alfred and his comrades are soon out foraging on the borders of the forest, and getting what subsistence they can from the pagans, or from the Christians who had submitted to their yoke.

among Occurrences 6%

75 Ambivar[=i]ti, an ancient people of Brabant, between the Rhine and the Maese; the German cavalry sent to forage among them, G. iv.

from Occurrences 4%

This not unsuccessful piece of boldness raised the spirits of the Samnites so high, that they not only did not suffer the Romans to march forward into their country, but even to procure forage from their lands; and the foragers were obliged to go back into the quiet country of Sora.

about Occurrences 3%

And they would forage about in the woods.

as Occurrences 3%

The mule, if properly taken care of, requires nearly as much forage as the horse, and should be groomed and cared for just the same.

along Occurrences 2%

King slipped Buck's bridle, dropped the tie-rope, and let the animal forage along the fringes of the brook.

through Occurrences 2%

The cattle who foraged through the straw stack in the field near by always made the mistake of thinking that they were included in the invitation, much to the disgust of Peter Rockett, the chore boy, who drove them back with appropriate remarks.

at Occurrences 2%

E. Evans has left a bale of forage at Camp 8 and has not taken on the one which he might have taken from the depôtfacts which show that his ponies must have been going strong.

of Occurrences 2%

The foal must be separated from the mother, and the forage of the latter carefully attended to, or the milk will disagree with the child.

to Occurrences 1%

He could steal and forage to perfection; he had an instinct that was positively grewsome for divining when work was to be done and for making a sneak accordingly; and for getting lost and not staying lost he was nothing short of inspired.

by Occurrences 1%

Some tolerable meadows are found, which are at the moment highly valued in consequence of a demand for forage by the British troops.

with Occurrences 1%

On neither side were the forces drawn up to advantage; for, on the one, Gellius Egnatius, the Samnite general, had gone out to forage with a few cohorts, and his men entered on the fight as the violence of their passions prompted, rather than under any directions or orders.

around Occurrences 1%

And when, foraging around the village, he found a nice piece at the poet's house, his carnivorous proclivities induced him to steal it, and, with it under his arm, hurried off to the nearest barn, and there rapidly devoured it.

near Occurrences 1%

Against the time when they are due to drop their calves you should arrange to give them access to fresh forage near the stable which they can eat with appetite as they go out, for at that time they are very dainty about their food.

after Occurrences 1%

The autograph-fanciers, therefore, will find a scanty harvest when they come to forage after the name of Percival.

Which preposition to use with  forages