Which preposition to use with freer

from Occurrences 3550%

If they are freed from many tasks now put upon them, it is not unreasonable to ask that this time be put on more careful thinking.

of Occurrences 663%

The Nigger shook his knife free of the scabbard and sat with it in his left hand, concealed by his body.

in Occurrences 248%

With inexpressible delight you wade out into the grassy sun-lake, feeling yourself contained in one of Nature's most sacred chambers, withdrawn from the sterner influences of the mountains, secure from all intrusion, secure from yourself, free in the universal beauty.

for Occurrences 165%

It lies as free for thee, and here's my business.

as Occurrences 161%

I. A Curse upon that faithless Maid, Who first her Sex's Liberty betray'd; Born free as Man to Love and Range,

with Occurrences 156%

He was a black fox, and I knew that he was the gentleman that had been makin' free with my property for the last few days.

to Occurrences 117%

From the remains of the Golden Horn we could construct some kind of a craft in which to run free to the summer trades.

on Occurrences 101%

In Scotland, after the best of the Lowland bloom is past, the bees are carried in carts to the Highlands, and set free on the heather hills.

at Occurrences 87%

'I shall regard it all as an unfortunate aberration; and if you regret it, and change your mind, you will be free at any time you like to come back and nothing shall be ever said about it.

by Occurrences 54%

It was difficult for a people accustomed for ages to set themselves free by force of arms to resign themselves peacefully and tranquilly to the lot prepared for them by the artifices and exactions of a strange race, whose name, moreover, bore the recollection of a terrible malediction.

than Occurrences 35%

You seem to be more free than ordinarily from your occasional indisposition.

without Occurrences 28%

The Colonel longed to share in the merriment, but he knew that the party would be hushed if he joined it, that the younger men were happier and freer without him, and without laying any blame upon them for this natural state of affairs, it saddened the days and nights of our genial Colonel.

under Occurrences 11%

" GERMAN MALTREATMENT OF PRISONERS Prisoners set free under terms of the armistice brought back tales of their almost unbelievably barbarous treatment in German prison camps.

before Occurrences 10%

Hence, every negro child that is born is as free before God as the white child, having precisely the same right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, as the white child.

after Occurrences 9%

If Antony committed his many wrongs so openly and shamelessly as you say, and plundered the whole of Crete on the pretext that in accord with Caesar's letters it had been left free after the governorship of Brutus, though the latter was later given charge of it by us, how could you have kept silent and how could any one else have borne it?

through Occurrences 8%

Thunder-showers occur here during the summer months, and impressive it is to watch the coming of the big transparent drops, each a small world in itself,one unbroken ocean without islands hurling free through the air like planets through space.

about Occurrences 8%

* An author who can choose so fascinating a title as The Way of the Air (HEINEMANN) certainly has much in his favour, and this not only because of the more or less temporary connection between aeronautics and victory, but because just lately we have all been talking large and free about peace-time developments of the craft in the near future.

among Occurrences 8%

Free among the dead, like unto them that are wounded and lie in the grave, who are out of remembrance, and are cut away from thy hand."

during Occurrences 7%

He detained in prison several persons whom he had ordered to be freed during the time of his penitence; he still preyed upon the ecclesiastical benefices; the sale of spiritual dignities continued as open as ever; and he kept possession of a considerable part of the revenues belonging to the see of Canterbury

like Occurrences 7%

Fairport was a very nice place, but it was not open and free like this farm.

within Occurrences 6%

hither I caused thee to be dragged that I might save those limbs o' thine from wheel and pulley, from flame and gibbet, and set thee free within a world which I do hold a fair world.

over Occurrences 5%

Meeting the wolves now, as they roamed wild and free over the great range, one would hardly have recognized the little brown creatures that he saw playing about the den where the trail began.

until Occurrences 4%

She secured, therefore, some well furnished cottages in the suburbs and offered them rent free until such time as the occupants should become well established.

throughout Occurrences 4%

Education is free throughout the entire primary system, a course of seven years, between the ages of seven and fourteen, when the law prohibits the employment of children in any occupation, and requires them to attend school at least thirty hours a week for twelve weeks each year in the country and fifteen weeks in the cities.

against Occurrences 4%

His greediness of praise is so eager that he swallows anything that comes in the likeness of it, how notorious and palpable soever, and is as shot-free against anything that may lessen his good opinion of himself.

Which preposition to use with  freer