Which preposition to use with fruitless

as Occurrences 6%

It was given with a lusty will, but proved as fruitless as the former one.

in Occurrences 3%

All Brodie's inquiries at Fort Monroe had been fruitless in finding the whereabouts of the fugitives that came through the lines at that time.

against Occurrences 2%

But the lady, either averse to dishonorable love from a sense of duty, or perceiving that the impression which she had made was so deep as to give her hopes of obtaining the highest elevation, obstinately refused to gratify his passion; and all the endearments, caresses, and importunities of the young and amiable Edward proved fruitless against her rigid and inflexible virtue.

for Occurrences 2%

From want of proper knowledge of the conditions of scientific inquiry, the method of Aristotle became fruitless for him; but it was the key by which future investigators were enabled to classify and utilize their vastly greater collection of facts and materials.

to Occurrences 2%

To what cause this sudden and singular change, both in demeanour and design, was owing, I was on the point of saying, it would be fruitless to conjecture; but a letter to his mother, written a few days before my arrival at Smyrna, throws some light on the sources of his unsatisfied state.

by Occurrences 1%

With regard also to Spain itself, the greater the reason was to hope that the war there was terminated, and that the Romans were driven from the country, after the destruction of two such renowned generals and their armies, so much the greater was the indignation felt, that the victory had been rendered void and fruitless by Lucius Marcius, a general irregularly appointed.

of Occurrences 1%

There was no sound of any character; the day was absolutely fruitless of any result.

on Occurrences 1%

Bees go booming among the blossoms, and the flocks crop their pasture, and night falls with Hesperus; but fruitless on my lips, as at some shrine

until Occurrences 1%

Efforts to isolate the iodine containing active principle in pure form were fruitless until the work of Kendall at the Mayo Foundation.

from Occurrences 1%

Nor can it be said that the offer was fruitless from the want of opportunity of discussing it; our envoy was present on their own soil.

Which preposition to use with  fruitless