Which preposition to use with gizzards

of Occurrences 13%

Take the necks and gizzards of your ducks, a scrag of mutton if you have it, and make a little sweet gravy, put to it a few bread-crumbs, a small onion, and a little whole pepper, boil them for half a quarter of an hour, put to them a lump of butter, and if it is not thick enough a little flour, so salt it to your taste.

for Occurrences 2%

Ain't 'ad the taste of sossingers in my gizzard for I don't know 'ow long!

into Occurrences 1%

Strain through a thin muslin bag, pressing the bag tightly, turn into a bowl and mix with the seasoning; work all together for a long time, then grease a bowl or cups and press this mixture into them; when soft cut up the gizzards into bits and lay between the mixture.

on Occurrences 1%

The liver and gizzard should be placed in the wings, the liver on one side and the gizzard on the other.

out Occurrences 1%

"Why," said I, "Colonel, if we go back to Mississippi they will shoot the gizzards out of us."

about Occurrences 1%

"Don't seem to fret his gizzard about his wife; but they say she's struck with death.

under Occurrences 1%

Run a skewer through the pinion and thigh into the body to the pinion and thigh on the other side, and press the legs as much as possible between the breast and the side bones, and put the liver under one pinion and the gizzard under the other.

in Occurrences 1%

Scald the giblets, cut the gizzards in 8 pieces, and put them in a stewpan with the beef, bones, ox-tail, mutton-shanks, onions, herbs, pepper, and salt; add the 3 quarts of water, and simmer till the giblets are tender, taking care to skim well.

Which preposition to use with  gizzards