Which preposition to use with goad

into Occurrences 33%

" The Americans laughed, and Mac, growing hot, was goaded into vaunting the Britisher and running down the Yankee.

to Occurrences 32%

Goaded to the energy of despair by their sufferings, and convinced that after all they could die no more than once, the Spaniards rose one day, broke open the doors of their prison, and proceeded to that part of the building where the common malefactors, and among them Juan Facundo, were confined.

on Occurrences 15%

He had seen oppression laying waste the fairest provinces of Europe, he had seen many princes, goaded on by the revengeful passions of their nature, flinging wide their standard to the winds, and dipping their hands in the blood of those who, if Christianity be not a fable, were their very brothers.

of Occurrences 10%

" "Also the goad of certain bright eyes," he said, smiling.

through Occurrences 6%

Were they goaded through a round of ceremonies, to them senseless and disgusting mummeries; and drilled into the tactics of a creed rank with loathed abominations?

in Occurrences 4%

Nina Algernon was but a few paces ahead of him, scouring along at a speed only accomplished by those who feel that goad in the heart which stimulates exertion, far more effectually than the "spur in the head," proverbially supposed to be worth "two in the heels.'"

by Occurrences 4%

The laborer returned, and seizing the goad by one end he gave a great blow on the plough-handle, crying: "Break, now.

with Occurrences 3%

They are emphatically "in prison," restrained by chains, goaded with whips, tasked, and under keepers.

over Occurrences 1%

IO, in the Greek mythology a daughter of INACHOS (q. v.), beloved by Zeus, whom Hera out of jealousy changed into a heifer and set the hundred-eyed Argus to watch, but when Zeus had by Hermes slain the watcher, Hera sent a gadfly to goad over the world, over which she ranged distractedly till she reached Egypt, where Osiris married her, and was in connection with him worshipped as Isis.

out Occurrences 1%

cry I, in a fury, goaded out of all politeness and reserve by the surface false acquiescence of his tone; "do you never go away?

from Occurrences 1%

Not intimidated by a sharp and decidedly ungracious refusal, he had at every opportunity advocated his hopeless suit, and with so much persistence and effrontery, that the object of his unwelcome passion had been goaded from indifference to repugnance and absolute loathing.

at Occurrences 1%

Did you expect drivers that would be sitting up there on their horses, with their backs turned to you, to have eyes in the backs of their heads to see when you had the trail lifted, or did you be expectin' them to thought-read that you wanted them to drive on!" Three, goaded at last to a sufficiency of daring, ventured to mutter something about "was going to order it.

Which preposition to use with  goad