Which preposition to use with handmaidens

of Occurrences 10%

The same day it happed that Sara, daughter of Raguel in the city of Medes, that she was rebuked and heard reproof of one of the handmaidens of her father.

in Occurrences 3%

At a minute to the hour the teapot itself was on the tray, and the heavy breathing of the handmaiden in the kitchen was audible to all.

to Occurrences 2%

"Cleanliness is next to godliness," saith the proverb, and "order" is in the next degree; the housemaid, then, may be said to be the handmaiden to two of the most prominent virtues.

for Occurrences 1%

She constituted herself cup-bearer, wine-taster and handmaiden for their daughter.

on Occurrences 1%

" Old Mr. Bargrave, walking serenely into his office at eleven, and meeting this handmaiden on the stairs, used to wonder how so much dirt could accumulate on the human countenance, when irrigated, as Dorothea's red eyelids too surely testified, by daily tears.

Which preposition to use with  handmaidens