Which preposition to use with hardnesses

of Occurrences 202%

If haply, however, thou, in the hardness of thy unbelief, rejectest the testimony of heaven, and searchest rather for examples of those in this nether world who have felt his power, I affirm them to be so multitudinous that where to begin I know not.

in Occurrences 28%

This man could surely be hard enough on occasion, the strong jaw and a certain hardness in the eyes told that, but except perhaps for an uncomfortable excess of sharpness, there was none of his brother's rather brutally scoffing cast of expression.

as Occurrences 6%

But I consider hardness as a much smaller evil than feathers.

to Occurrences 6%

Still, feeling toward her as I did, I was compelled to excuse her as best I might by attributing her hardness to an evil system now happily abolished.

about Occurrences 2%

It was a handsome face but there was a hardness about it, and the lines around the mouth which bespoke an indomitable will, had deepened with the years.

from Occurrences 2%

The prince's muscles had lost some of their hardness from high living and he was, moreover, unversed in the great Anglo-American pastime.

on Occurrences 2%

To him it seemed absolutely certain that Farron would die,every one did,but he had for some time been aware of a growing hardness on his part toward the death of other people, as if he were thus preparing himself for his own.

towards Occurrences 2%

Was he troubled at that acknowledged hardness towards his brother?

with Occurrences 2%

A thick wall, I am informed, requires several years before it is set throughout, and has acquired its full hardness, or rather toughness; and good mortar, as is well known, will acquire extreme hardness with age, probably from the very same cause that it did when it was limestone in the earth.

out Occurrences 1%

Dade failed just there to keep a betraying hardness out of his voice.

before Occurrences 1%

His mind travelled from the physical purity and hardness before him to the purity and hardness of the inner lifethe purity that Christ blessed, the 'hardness' that the Christian endures.

like Occurrences 1%

" She laughed again, more surely, and with a certain hardness like the ringing of metal against metal, or the after rhythm from the peal of a bell.

between Occurrences 1%

QUEEN'S METAL, an alloy of nine parts tin and one each of antimony, lead, and bismuth, is intermediate in hardness between pewter and britannia metal.

of Occurrences 1%

I am, &c. Of all Hardnesses of Heart there is none so inexcusable as that of Parents towards their Children.

Which preposition to use with  hardnesses