Which preposition to use with headdress

of Occurrences 20%

Judging by their breeches, And the headdresses of their wives, I think they are of Jewish origin.

opposite Occurrences 2%

If not in uniform and covered, they shall uncover at the first note of the anthem, holding the headdress opposite the left shoulder and so remain until its close, except that in inclement weather the headdress may be slightly raised.

from Occurrences 1%

I stripped the parrot-feather mat and the headdress from the corpse and donned them over my own clothing.

in Occurrences 1%

When he came to take leave, we told him we had received more than we expected or required, and begged his acceptance of a loonghee or headdress in remembrance of us.

with Occurrences 1%

That Lippo was his master one may see continually, but particularly by comparison of his headdresses with almost any of Botticelli's.

Which preposition to use with  headdress