Which preposition to use with humidity

of Occurrences 28%

The humidity of the British climate, however, has doubtless something to do with the result; and it is said that gooseberries produced in Scotland as far north as Inverness, are of a very superior character.

in Occurrences 4%

A change in the adrenal as a response to changes of temperature and humidity in an environment would result in a number of concomitant transformations throughout the body.

with Occurrences 2%

The humidity with which the breeze had commenced was also gone; and, in its place, the quick, sensitive organs of the seaman detected the often grateful, though at that moment unwelcome, taint of the land.

from Occurrences 1%

Sometimes, during very warm and dry summers, the heat extracts all the humidity from the malarious soil, and thus procures for us a freedom from the disease which is purely hydraulic.

during Occurrences 1%

The hydraulic systems are very numerous, for the problem which is presented, namely, that of depriving the ground of its humidity during the hot season, necessitates different solutions according to the nature and the bearing of the soil.

as Occurrences 1%

As their natural character differs so widely it is necessary to ascertain from what part of the globe they come, and to place them in houses having as near as possible the same temperature and humidity as that to which they are accustomed.

than Occurrences 1%

The thing which pressed upon her seemed less humidity than the consciousness of a world she did not know.

to Occurrences 1%

Simple hydraulic methods of purification, even the most perfect, do not, however, produce permanent hygienic effects, since the moisture necessary for the multiplication of the malaria in the soil is so slight that these effects may be compromised by anything whatever that is capable of restoring a moderate degree of humidity to the ground during the hot season.

along Occurrences 1%

It has every variety of climate from the tropical humidity along the southern coast to the frigid cold of the mountains; peaks of ice, reefs of coral, impenetrable jungles and bleak, treeless plains.

Which preposition to use with  humidity