Which preposition to use with hypocritical

in Occurrences 7%

The plea for co-operation is, to say the least, hypocritical in the face of the determination to refuse justice to the Punjab.

beyond Occurrences 1%

I tell you, Ivan Andreievitch of the noble character, that the human race is rotten; that it is composed of selfishness, vice, and meanness; that it is hypocritical beyond the bounds of hypocrisy, and that of all mean cowardly nations on this earth the Russian nation is the meanest and most cowardly!...

for Occurrences 1%

It seems to us wicked and hypocritical for a government which proclaims the doctrine of the "mailed fist" and, like the ancient Spartans, glories in the perfecting of the machinery of war, to be at the same time protesting its devotion to culture, and posing as a patron of the peaceful arts.

on Occurrences 1%

It is hard to believe that such things could happen between earth and sky, and they who did them still live; yet the things, hypocritical on one side and sickeningly horrible on the other, were actually done.

towards Occurrences 1%

"There is no reason why we should be hypocritical towards each other.

Which preposition to use with  hypocritical