Which preposition to use with impalpable

as Occurrences 4%

From many veins she sends her gathered streams To the huge-billowed main, Then through the air, impalpable as dreams, She calls them back again.

for Occurrences 1%

Evil thoughts, hardness of heart, suspicions, unforgivingness, hatred, being too impalpable for denunciation in the Decalogue but lying nearer to the hearts of most men than murder, theft, adultery, and perjury, were not equally abhorrent to her.

in Occurrences 1%

Of course it has other aspects, higher in essence and more impalpable in quality, but it is this first aspect I shall deal with, because I am not now speaking of religion as a purely spiritual power but only of its quality as the great coordinator of human action, the power that establishes a right ratio of values and gives the capacity for right control.

than Occurrences 1%

His knowledge was not even communicable by words; it was more impalpable than the instinct of a woman; and there was about him the wisdom and the coldness of Black Bart himself.

to Occurrences 1%

Come and see!and yet you will not see; facts, and the reasons of them, will be as impalpable to you there as here, unless you can again obey your Novum Organum.' 'How then?' 'By renouncing all your idolsthe idols of the race and of the market, of the study and of the theatre.

Which preposition to use with  impalpable