Which preposition to use with ings

in Occurrences 14%

There was no fear of them, for they were spread o-pen up-on the grass be-fore him with-out the slight-est ex-pres-sion of threat-en-ing in them.

of Occurrences 8%

ings of Steel," "Joe Strong and His Box of Mystery," etc. 1916 JOE STRONG, THE BOY FIRE-EATER CHAPTER I THE VANISHING LADY "Ladies and gentlemen, if you will kindly give me your attention for a few moments I will be happy to introduce to your favorable notice an entertainer of world-wide fame who will, I am sure, not only mystify you but, at the same time, interest you.

with Occurrences 8%

Here's so-ho-ing with a plague!

at Occurrences 7%

His heart fail-ed him as he saw how im-pos-si-ble it was for him to pro-ceed: in-deed, as he sat him-self down on the edge of the ca-ta-ract, he could not help weep-ing at his un-ex-pect-ed di-lem-ma.

to Occurrences 7%

He start-ed, and well he might, for he saw no-bo-dy be-long-ing to them: no, there they were, on-ly hands.

for Occurrences 4%

The long-est day will, how-e-ver, have an end: but when Wil-lie's first day wa-ned, the farm-er was struck with as-to-nish-ment at be-hold-ing the gold-en rows of hea-vy corn, stand-ing for his ad-mi-ra-tion in the well ti-ed sheaves.

through Occurrences 3%

but-ter, with white eggs peep-ing through the bars of their wick-er pris-on.

as Occurrences 3%

* 35 troll cel' er y new' fan gled thatch chink' ing as par' a gus im mense' sauce' pan de mol' ish ing sa' vor y pat' terns ag' gra va ting THE MINNOWS WITH SILVER TAILS.

without Occurrences 2%

Otherwise he may waste infinite time in Ski-ing without skill and with only half the enjoyment.

from Occurrences 2%

But Will and Tom, each blow-ing from A dif-fe-rent side, you well may guess, No boats could go straight on, and so They tacked a-bout in great dis-tress.

on Occurrences 2%

The Jungfrau Joch can be reached from London in twenty-six hours, and keen runners could enjoy a week or a fortnight of amusing Ski-ing on snow which lends itself particularly well to the practice of all turns.

up Occurrences 2%

But there, un-der the shel-ter of the high corn, were the friend-ly hands work-ing mi-ra-cles; ga-ther-ing up the corn, and put-ting it in-to sheaves in a man-ner that could not be e-qual-led by mor-tal hands.

into Occurrences 1%

He soon came to a dense wood, where the gi-gan-tic trees, with gnarl-ed and twist-ed trunks, wound their e-nor-mous limbs a-round each o-ther in the most fan-tas-tic forms, and the tan-gled un-der-wood twi-ned like snakes a-cross the path, as if to for-bid any ven-tu-rous foot from en-ter-ing into the dark green depths.

near Occurrences 1%

See the li-lies, round and large, Float-ing near the reed-y marge, Where the bul-rush has its place And the hea-vy wa-ter-mace.

beside Occurrences 1%

When Juliet awoke, seeing Romeo ing beside her dead, she took a sword which near and killed herself. PLEAD.

along Occurrences 1%

Ski-ing along the snow banks of the rivers, I have often watched him hop down into the water and run along the bottom picking up whatever his food is among the pebbles.

before Occurrences 1%

At the same time every beginner should be content to devote two or three of his first days to the Nursery slopes, learning the elements of good Ski-ing before dashing off on an excursion.

among Occurrences 1%

Like Villars it also lies on slopes, facing almost south, but there seems to be good Ski-ing among the mountains behind.

en Occurrences 1%

* * 40 pic' tures pal' ace four' teen fa' mous ly scul' lion re past' in hal' ing en chant' ed mat' tress char' coal land' scapes ar' chi tect PETER OF CORTONA.

after Occurrences 1%

ii, p. 457,) is no fitter than that of our ancestors, who for this purpose used the same preposition, but put the participle in ing after it, in lieu of the radical verb, which we choose to employ: as, "Generacions of eddris, who shewide to you to fle fro wraththe to comynge?"Matt., iii, 7.

by Occurrences 1%

To mar-ket, per-haps: ask the youth who is trudg-ing by its side, with a smil-ing, hap-py face, rud-dy with health and the warm tinge of the sun.

Which preposition to use with  ings