Which preposition to use with inoculate

with Occurrences 19%

The crisis which menaces and disturbs Europe so profoundly has inoculated with alarm the most excited spirits; Europe is still in the phase of doubt, but after the cries of hate and fury, doubt signifies a great advance.

for Occurrences 7%

" His opinion respecting the safety of inoculating for the small-pox at a proper age, as it was expressed in the following letter to the writer of these pages, will be satisfactory to such parents as are yet unconvinced of the efficacy of vaccination; and his opinion is the more valuable, because it was given at a time when there was neither prejudice nor prepossession on the subject.

in Occurrences 5%

The prisoners were inoculated in Turkey against typhoid fever and smallpox.

against Occurrences 3%

Have you been inoculated against Enteric Fever?

into Occurrences 1%

Lastly the fear of a Russian invasion was astutely inoculated into the nation.

on Occurrences 1%

No cheeks, but two Roses inoculated on a lily, Between a pendant alabaster nose: Her lips cut out of coral, and no teeth But strings of pearl: her tongue a nightingale's!

under Occurrences 1%

Dr. Maitland, who had been physician to the mission to the Porte, set up in practice and inoculated under her patronage.

at Occurrences 1%

She first heard of the practice in March, 1717, and within a year her faith in its effect was so strong that in the spring of the following year she had her son inoculated at Perahe was the first English person to undergo the operation.

Which preposition to use with  inoculate