Which preposition to use with jumbled

of Occurrences 134%

Mostly German, it wasa wondrous jumble of the scientific and poetic.

in Occurrences 11%

Moving-picture machine operators were seeking advantageous locations for their outfits; pedestrians dodged, indiscriminately, high-powered automobiles and plunging bronchos; the old and the new were slapped together in an incongruous jumble in the streets of Eagle Butte.

to Occurrences 3%

After each shot a man who sat with a telephone strapped about his head called out corrections of the range, in figures that were just a meaningless jumble to me, although they made sense to the men who listened and changed the pointing of the guns at each order.

at Occurrences 2%

The wagons and carts creaked and strained and rattled under their swaying loads, and the line gradually defined itself along the road from the confused jumble at the camp.

into Occurrences 2%

Ground plans, substructures, superstructures, were jumbled into a frightful tangle.

with Occurrences 1%

Here rising and writing are nouns; but seeing is a participle, because it is active and governs you, Compare this second jumble with the definition above.

around Occurrences 1%

And the town itself was roughly jumbled around one street.

after Occurrences 1%

Rupert first clears the hedge,he is always first,then comes the captain of his lifeguard, then the whole troop "jumble after them," in a spectator's piquant phrase.

Which preposition to use with  jumbled