Which preposition to use with lengthwise

in Occurrences 10%

The day-gang on No. 0 was hard at it down there where lengthwise in the channel was propped a line of sluice-boxes, steadied by regularly spaced poles laid from box to bank on gravel ridge.

of Occurrences 7%

And thenat last"Madame Delphine ceased speaking, but went on diligently with her agitated fingers, turning down foolish hems lengthwise of her lap.

into Occurrences 5%

If very large, cut them in halves, divide them lengthwise into four pieces, and put them into boiling water, salted in the above proportion; let them boil until tender, which may be ascertained by thrusting a fork into them: dish, and serve very hot.

with Occurrences 4%

Reaching out further, he broke the crust obliquely just above, and having packed the snow as well as he could immediately about, and moving lengthwise with an infinite caution, he crawled up the few inches to the narrow ledge, balancing his stiff body with a nicety possible only to acrobat or sleep-walker.

on Occurrences 3%

" As coolly as though he were not more than a chunk of stovewood, Croisset and the Indian came through the bushes, seized him by the head and feet, carried him out into the trail and laid him lengthwise on the sledge.

between Occurrences 2%

The corral at Arivaca was constructed of adobes, with a layer of cactus poles (ocquitillo) lengthwise between each layer of adobes.

across Occurrences 2%

Lengthwise across the bottom are stretched a series of brass spiral springs, G G G, which are tuned to a chromatic scale.

through Occurrences 1%

The sun was almost down by now, and its slanting rays slid lengthwise through the elm-tree aisles along our route.

toward Occurrences 1%

It was half in the bright light, half in the shadow, lengthwise toward him, about sixty or seventy yards distant, and full of men.

Which preposition to use with  lengthwise