Which preposition to use with manoeuvring

of Occurrences 60%

"Gad, it sounds like the manoeuvres of one of our Highland clans three hundred years ago!"

in Occurrences 23%

There were fourthe dug-outs we saw Jack manoeuvring in the same waters a few nights before.

on Occurrences 17%

I shall never forget it, especially the manoeuvres on horseback.

with Occurrences 16%

He had studied Davis all through the manoeuvres with a furtive, fascinated attention, which Mrs. Atterbury remarked with complacency, attributing it to awe.

for Occurrences 13%

I manoeuvre for some time for the discarded color," Jack said, one evening.

of Occurrences 9%

The immense stake depending on the result, the grandeur of Napoleon's isolated efforts against the flower of the European forces, and the awful responsibility resting on the head of their great leader, give to this conflict a romantic sublimity, unshared by all the manoeuvring of science in a hundred commonplace combats of other wars.

to Occurrences 6%

Enchanted by sight of a half-sovereign in the palm of his fare, the cabby executed this manoeuvre to admiration; with the upshot that Lanyard got home half an hour later than he would have had he proceeded to his rooms direct, but with information of value to recompense him.

at Occurrences 5%

Every time I came into my hotel in Vienna the two little boys at the door jumped up and extended their caps at arm's length; an assistant porter, farther in, did the same; the head porter behind the desk often followed, and occasionally all four executed the manoeuvre at once, so that it was like a musical comedy but for the music.

from Occurrences 5%

The stout old pilot was the real skipper; and now that the vessel had come to anchor, he turned from his lighter duties to the grave pastime of the day, and fished earnestly through a large hole in the paddlebox,the porgies that came to his allurements arriving at their destination by a series of flapping manoeuvres from blade to blade of the wheel.

about Occurrences 3%

He knew the pinnace could outsail anything the islanders possessed, more especially on a wind, and he manoeuvred about the flotilla for an hour, making his observations, before he left it.

as Occurrences 3%

They denounced such a manoeuvre as alike unconstitutional and unparliamentary; while he, on the contrary, insisted that the House had always jealously retained the right of reconsidering its own decisions.

before Occurrences 3%

Shortly after our arrival, nine gilt, war-boats were ordered to manoeuvre before us.

by Occurrences 3%

It was essential for the protection of the convoy that the ships should keep close and accurate station and should be able to manoeuvre by signal.

like Occurrences 2%

Finally he reached such a state of illness that manoeuvres like those of a small boat entering a dangerous canal were necessary in order to put him to bed.

against Occurrences 2%

Arrived at the legislature, his next ambition is office, and to secure and retain office he engages in elaborate manoeuvres against the opposite party, upon issues which his limited and specialised intelligence indicates as electorally effective.

than Occurrences 2%

I determined, however, to make one more effort, rather, I think, for the pleasure of witnessing his defensive manoeuvres than with the expectation of getting anything out of him.

out Occurrences 1%

Keep low, all hands, and at the first shot drop to the deck and keep covered, and we'll manoeuvre out of reach until dark.

with Occurrences 1%

It has strangely complicated New Zealand politics, is still doing so, and is the key to much political manoeuvring with which it might seem to have nothing whatever to do.

into Occurrences 1%

It was hoped that Russia might be manoeuvred into a position where autocracy would rather abandon the Slav cause than seem to condone assassination; and it was confidently believed that Britain would hold aloof from a quarrel whose origin was so questionable.

during Occurrences 1%

When passed into the reserve they resume their normal civil occupation, except that for a year or two they are called up for a few weeks' training and manoeuvres during the autumn.

amongst Occurrences 1%

It is very difficult manoeuvring amongst these

for Occurrences 1%

All this manoeuvring for space in such close quarters was great fun for lads accustomed to roomy houses, and careless, almost to slovenliness, in the matter of keeping things in place.

in Occurrences 1%

"I learned a certain amount of manoeuvring in South Africa, where I went for a month or two," he said.

around Occurrences 1%

In the mean time, the governor kept the Anne manoeuvring around the shoal, in the hope of luring the ship on it.

near Occurrences 1%

The short reaches showed him that she was manoeuvring near shore, and making for some definite point.

Which preposition to use with  manoeuvring