Which preposition to use with march

to Occurrences 853%

When it was finished we marched to the beach, and never, save in the three instances of which I shall later tell you, did I see the valley again.

of Occurrences 749%

A grey, sullen morning spread through all the darkness, and hid the march of the stars.

in Occurrences 449%

Armies are marching in the name of Jehovah, and a great poet has this one message: "Lest we forget!" 7.

on Occurrences 315%

" They marched on.

with Occurrences 311%

The God of armies (who marches with the strongest battalions) is with us.

through Occurrences 272%

A small detachment of Boy Scouts, sturdy with an enormous sense of uniform and valor, marched through the asphalt alleys of the park with trained, small-footed, regimental precisionsmall boys with clean, lifted faces.

into Occurrences 253%

" "Well," said Spalding, resuming his narrative, "some fifty years ago, two enterprising men (brothers) marched into the woods in the town of Mexico, now in Oswego county, with their axes on their shoulders, and stout hearts beating in their bosoms.

against Occurrences 233%

He had mustered the French-Canadian militia on September 11, the very day Arnold was leaving Cambridge in Massachusetts for his daring march against Quebec.

from Occurrences 229%

Its troops are legion, marching from the far distances of the past, and extending out to the far confines of the eternal years.

at Occurrences 139%

He listened to all the details of the plan; they gave him the name of the general, supposed to have very Republican sympathies (not generally the case with officers), the number of regiments, etc., who would march at a given signal, but when he said, "It is possible, you might get a certain number of men together, but what would you do with them?"

for Occurrences 105%

"I'll keep this suspicious fruit," he remarked, with a hollow laugh; and, bearing unreservedly upon the nearer arm of the hapless MONTGOMERY, and eating audibly as he surged onward, he started on the return march for Bumsteadville.

towards Occurrences 102%

Being unsuccessful, however, in overtaking the Indians, and getting nearly out of provisionsit being our eighteenth day out, the entire command marched towards the nearest railroad point, and camped on the Saline River; distant three miles from Buffalo Tank.

along Occurrences 94%

Sadly we march along the crowded street, While trumpets hoarsely blare and drums tempestuous beat.

by Occurrences 80%

" "Why see you, messire," said Walkyn, "they march by way of Felindre that was once a fair town, and from Felindre is a road that leadeth through the wild unto this valley of Brand.

across Occurrences 79%

Let us now look back over the processional as it marches across the dim years.

out Occurrences 77%

Then with Ringan's sword behind them, the three marched out of doors.

toward Occurrences 71%

It is impossible to give the number of the forces accompanying the King to Florence, for his artillery were marching toward Rome by another route; he had left garrisons in many strongholds, and sent on another body of men by Romagna.

over Occurrences 61%

Immediately after the affair at Lexington he had turned out his company, reinforced by undergraduates from Yale, had seized the New Haven powder magazine and marched over to Cambridge, where the Massachusetts Committeemen took such a fancy to him that they made him a colonel on the spot, with full authority to raise men for an immediate attack on Ticonderoga.

down Occurrences 49%

We marched down the Tongue river for two days, thence in a westerly direction over to the Rosebud, where we struck the main Indian trail, leading down this stream.

under Occurrences 43%

One thousand men marched under the Caribee flag; not a man of them voted for Lincoln.

up Occurrences 37%

We could see the door of the dug-out standing wide open, and we then marched up to the place.

without Occurrences 32%

They marched without music, without song or word, marched in silence.

past Occurrences 30%

Outside the station we marched past the Italian General Commanding the District.

as Occurrences 28%

The answer came in the morning, when the order was given to march as usual.

before Occurrences 27%

The Target Society were out on a street parade, and the policemen marched before them to clear Broadway of all vehicles and foot-passengers, and to stop short, for the time, the business of a great city, in order that these twenty spindle-legged and melancholy little cobblers might have a proper opportunity of showing their utter ignorance of all rules of marching, and the management of firearms.

Which preposition to use with  march