Which preposition to use with mightest

of Occurrences 244%

Where was the confidence in the might of his two hands?

in Occurrences 17%

Then Ulysses drew his sword, and half resolved to thrust it with all his might in at the bosom of the sleeping monster; but wiser thoughts restrained him, else they had there without help all perished, for none but Polyphemus himself could have removed that mass of stone which he had placed to guard the entrance.

at Occurrences 12%

And he hurled it with all his might at the middle of Daniel's forehead, and the blood spouted forth.

against Occurrences 10%

That trout was astonished, as were half a dozen or more of his fellows, when they came out of the water tail foremost, struggling with all their might against so vulgar and undignified a manner of leaving their native element.

on Occurrences 9%

On superior powers Were we to pass, Inferior might on ours; Or in the full creation leave a void, Where, one step broken, the great scale's destroyed: From nature's chain whatever link you strike, Tenth, or ten thousandth, breaks the chain alike.

for Occurrences 9%

A lump of dough is handed to the nearest, which he commences kneading and knocking about with all his might for about 3 or 4 minutes, and then passes it on to his neighbour, who does the same; and so on successively until all have kneaded it, when it becomes as soft as new putty, and ready for the oven.

From Occurrences 8%

His part, while the One Spirit's plastic stress Sweeps through the dull dense world; compelling there All new successions to the forms they wear; 5 Torturing th' unwilling dross, that checks its flight, To its own likeness, as each mass may bear; And bursting in its beauty and its might From trees and beasts and men into the heaven's light.

to Occurrences 7%

But she had snatched in an instant the sword of one from its scabbard, Felled him with might to the ground, and stretched him bleeding before her.

toward Occurrences 5%

Yelling for help, he leaped off the seat and ran with all his might toward the spot.

into Occurrences 5%

It is a dim, vague recollection; I am sure I felled Sanchez with one blow of my pistol-butt, stretching him apparently lifeless at my feet; in some way that deadly cleaver came into my hands and I trod on his body, swinging the sharp blade with all my might into those scowling faces.

by Occurrences 5%

Oaths are shorn of their might by overuse; confound, once a tremendous malinvocation, may now fall from the lips of respectable young ladies, and fie, in its time not a whit less dire, would be scarcely out of place in even a cloister.

with Occurrences 3%

Not he which in despight of his Creatour With railing tearmes defied the Iewish hoast, Might with this mightie one in hugenes boast; For from the one he could to th'other coast 540 Stretch his strong thighes, and th'ocean overstride, And reatch his hand into his enemies hoast.

under Occurrences 2%

And a moment later we were all three in the guards' boat, rowing with all our might under the deep shadow of the bank northward, in the opposite direction to the town of Nystad.

as Occurrences 2%

I saw, or thought that I saw, a disposition to adopt physical might as the basis of the organization, because the guaranty, which the President had announced in Point XIV and evidently purposed to advocate, seemed to require the use of force in the event that it became necessary to make it good.

towards Occurrences 2%

Fortunately the land was near, and they rowed with all their might towards it; and, when they arrived, I was obliged to take the objects out of the boat myself, as no native would touch them.

Through Occurrences 1%

Through these torn places men may glimpse the world that is real: and this glimpse dazzles their dimmed eyes and weakling forces, and this glimpse mocks at their lean might Through these rent places, when the opening is made large enough, a few men here and there, not quite so witless as their fellows, know how to summon us of Audela when for an hour the moon is void and powerless: we come for an old reason: and we come as men and women.

among Occurrences 1%

It seems to have been her daily pleasure to go about helping those who needed help most, without any narrowness of distinction; in the spirit of that "prime wisdom" which works with all its might among such elements as lie nearest to the hand.

unto Occurrences 1%

Why should ye doubt, then, but that ye likewise 425 Might unto some of those in time arise?

Out Occurrences 1%

Which when the greisly tyrant did espie, Like a grimme lyon rushing with fierce might Out of his den, he seized greedelie 435 On the resistles pray, and, with fell spight, Under the left wing stroke his weapon slie Into his heart, that his deepe-groning spright In bloodie streames foorth fled into the aire, His bodie left the spectacle of care.

after Occurrences 1%

" Still she went, leaving one familiar object after another, till reddening daylight found her many a long mile, upon the open highway, on the way to the village of T upon the Ohio river, when she constrained herself to walk regularly and composedly, quickening the speed of her child, by rolling an apple before him, when the boy would run with all his might after it; this ruse often repeated carried them over many a half-mile.

past Occurrences 1%

And so Yann bore us magnificently onwards, for he was elated with molten snow that the Poltiades had brought him from the Hills of Hap, and the Marn and Migris were swollen full with floods; and he bore us in his might past Kyph and Pir, and we saw the lights of Goolunza.

than Occurrences 1%

There was no one in the North of greater might than he!

Which preposition to use with  mightest