Which preposition to use with mush

with Occurrences 27%

The biscuits may be grated and made into a mush with hot milk, &c., or they may be soaked over night in as much hot water, milk, or diluted Extract as they will absorb, and then be put in the oven to warm through.

of Occurrences 8%

"Well, I hope so," she said, which had certainly never been true, for her old formless dreams were no intentionnothing but a mush of discontent.

in Occurrences 7%

Aug. 24French occupy Maurepas, north of the Somme; Russians recapture Mush in Armenia.

for Occurrences 4%

" Besides these home-made preparations, there are many valuable foods to be had ready for use, or requiring but little preparation, thus affording change and variety, not only to the patient, but to the nurse or cook, who must often be heartily tired of making up the same gruels and mushes for weeks or months together.

on Occurrences 2%

"Something gone 'way off in his plans," Morse said after they had mushed on the south trail for an hour.

over Occurrences 2%

Pour the mush over them, and stir up lightly, taking care not to break the fruit, and serve.

to Occurrences 1%

I imagine they went through a terrible ordeal in the more temperate zones farther south before they consented to be pushed into the frozen lands of Canada, and then, following the caribou in the summer, to mush to the Arctic sea.

into Occurrences 1%

SAUTÉD CORNMEAL MUSH Put left-over mush into a dish and smooth it over the top.

at Occurrences 1%

Left-over Graham mush at breakfast, which has been prepared with water, is very nice if, while it is still warm, a small quantity of hot milk is well stirred into it, and it is then set by to be reheated in a double boiler for dinner.

before Occurrences 1%

Rumours of an impending massacre reached Mush before the end of 1914, at a time when the massacres across the frontier had begun.

from Occurrences 1%

He was one of the most vociferous of the imps who tossed me in the blanket, and later, when the elaborate manuscript I had prepared was brought forth, was conspicuously energetic in daubing with hot mush from a huge wooden spoon the sheets I had composed with much painstaking.

as Occurrences 1%

GRAHAM MUSH WITH DATES.Prepare a mush as for Graham mush No. 2.

through Occurrences 1%

No trappers mushed through his snows of spring; no woodsman rode his winding trails.

Which preposition to use with  mush