Which preposition to use with natter

to Occurrences 3%

The Whigs were defeated, sure enough; but whether because we were pardonedthough the idea is sufficiently nattering to my vanityis more than I shall venture to decide.

around Occurrences 1%

He says he won't even take spoon victuals, and he won't get up, and his chest don't hurt him so that ain't it, and I never was any hand to be nattering around a body, but he hadn't ought to go without his food like he does, when the Father himself has a tabernacle of flesh like you or methough the Holy Ghost has notand it's probably mountain fever again, so I'll make some composition tea and he's just got to take it.

at Occurrences 1%

Madame Tallien, the "Merveilleuse de Luxembourg," also called by her admirers, "Notre-dame de Thermidor," felt much nattered at being called on by a real viscountess, who had filled a distinguished position at the court of King Louis.

Which preposition to use with  natter