Which preposition to use with naturalists

of Occurrences 29%

The mode in which they die has been noted by the Rev. Mr. White, the eminent naturalist of Selbourne.

in Occurrences 26%

Specimens were shortly afterward procured by Drummond near the sources of the Athabasca River, between the fifty-fourth and fifty-sixth parallels; and it has been collected by nearly all of the numerous exploring expeditions undertaken of late through our Western States and Territories; for it never fails to engage the attention of naturalists in a very particular manner.

on Occurrences 13%

Spallanzani joined issue with the English naturalist on both these pleas, and he showed that if, in the first place, the glass vessels in which the infusions were contained were hermetically sealed by fusing their necks, and if, in the second place, they were exposed to the temperature of boiling water for three-quarters of an hour, no animalcules ever made their appearance within them.

as Occurrences 12%

THE CUCUMBER.Though the melon is far superior in point of flavour to this fruit, yet it is allied to the cucumber, which is known to naturalists as Cucumia sativus.

at Occurrences 10%

The materialistic controversy broke out most actively at the convention of naturalists at Göttingen in 1854, when Rudolph Wagner in his address "On the Creation of Man and the Substance of the Soul" declared, in opposition to Karl Vogt, that there is no physiological reason for denying the descent of man from one pair and an immaterial immortal soul.

to Occurrences 8%

It was Professor Henslow who secured for young Darwin the appointment of naturalist to the voyage of the "Beagle."

with Occurrences 3%

In his twenty-third year Darwin went as naturalist with a government expedition to Patagonia.

for Occurrences 2%

The causes assigned by naturalists for this peculiarity are, either a deficiency of food, or the want of a secure asylum for the incubation and nourishment of their young.

under Occurrences 2%

They are classified by different naturalists under from five to ten distinct species or varieties, the best known being the burrhel of the Himalaya (Ovis burrhel, Blyth); the argali, the large wild sheep of central and northeastern Asia (O. ammon, Linn., or Caprovis argali); the Corsican mouflon (O. musimon, Pal.); the aoudad of the mountains of northern Africa (Ammotragus tragelaphus); and the Rocky Mountain bighorn (O. montana, Cuv.).

into Occurrences 2%

Seals are divided by naturalists into two great familiesthose with ears, and those without.

in Occurrences 1%

Three women are appointed as Assistant Naturalists in the Fishery Branch, at a salary of £150 per annum, and two as Junior Assistant Naturalists at £2 per week.

before Occurrences 1%

The insects that he imagined he had been the first to discover in America, those tsetses and others, were only mere African hexapodes, found by many naturalists before him, in their native places.

by Occurrences 1%

Stawowski spoke of their hopeless condition, their weakness and incapacity for defending themselves; the audience which listened to his words grew every minute larger, when I interrupted: "Do you believe in Darwin's theory, the survival of the fittest?" Stawowski, who is a naturalist by profession, took up the challenge at once.

from Occurrences 1%

That the loose statements and unfounded speculations of this book should come from the author of the monograms on Cirripedes, and the writer, in the natural history of the Voyage of the "Beagle," of the paper on the Coral Reefs, is indeed a sad warning how far the love of a theory may seduce even a first-rate naturalist from the very articles of his creed.

without Occurrences 1%

Now, a naturalist without his magnifying glass and his spectacles, no longer exists.

at Occurrences 1%

Three women are appointed as Assistant Naturalists in the Fishery Branch, at a salary of £150 per annum, and two as Junior Assistant Naturalists at £2 per week.

about Occurrences 1%

They give birth to little Shrimps that afterwards become attached to the rocks and assume the shelly covering that has misled naturalists about them.

Which preposition to use with  naturalists