Which preposition to use with negro

in Occurrences 413%

Why, to-day there is hardly one full-blooded negro in Lichfield.

of Occurrences 152%

For this my master commanded a negro of his to fetch him a large ox chain.

on Occurrences 102%

It seems that some one has spread the story among them that Lincoln has sent Butler to Fort Monroe to receive all the negroes on the Peninsula.

from Occurrences 81%

At length this great commerce has been interrupted, and the South, cut off from this almost indispensable supply of the necessaries of life, is now struggling for existence, and diverts its negroes from the remunerative culture of sugar and cotton to the cultivation of grain and corn.

to Occurrences 64%

He had agreed that this would be the wisest course, and so, too stricken at heart to resist, I was bundled into his chaise with a chest of my clothes, and driven away through the crowd of sobbing negroes to the little house at Charles City where he and his sister lived.

as Occurrences 60%

Virginia had been nurse in turn to all the children of Rudolph Musgrave's parents; and to the end of her life she appeared to regard the emancipation of the South's negroes as an irrelevant vagary of certain "low-down" and probably "ornery" Yankees as an, in short, quite eminently "tacky" proceeding which very certainly in no way affected her vested right to tyrannize over the Musgrave household.

with Occurrences 55%

The cook was a bullet-headed squat negro with a broken nose.

for Occurrences 49%

The way it was was this way: Pa was to organize the white men for Bryan, and I was to organize the negroes for Roosevelt, and we went to work and bought 600 Chinese lanterns, and pa stored his half of the lanterns in a barn on the circus lot and I stored mine in another barn owned by a negro that I gave five dollars to be my assistant, with a promise that he should have a job traveling with the show, to milk the sacred cow.

at Occurrences 47%

The girl sat by a brazier of charcoal, with the scarlet-coated negro at hand doing her commands.

into Occurrences 33%

All this encomium was given in a high, cracked voice as the cashier opened the door and turned the negroes into the bank.

by Occurrences 21%

A steamboat mate had once found him asleep in the passageway of a lumber pile which the boat was lading, and he waked the negro by hitting him in the head with a persimmon bolt.

under Occurrences 16%

CHAPTER XIX Two voices talking, interrupting each other with ejaculations, after the fashion of negroes under excitement, aroused Peter Siner from his sleep.

out Occurrences 12%

This queer system of communication is a relic of slavery, when the master would send out word for some special negro out of two or three hundred slaves to report at the big house.

than Occurrences 12%

Nothing more strikingly attests the folly of freeing the negro than the unwillingness of the better class of slaves to leave their former owners" "Now you are going to quote a paragraph or so from your Gracious Era.

among Occurrences 10%

As in our own history it has been sometimes the fashion for ladies of rank to have dwarves and negroes among their attendants, so it seems to have been the senseless and revolting custom of the Roman ladies of this time to keep idiots among the number of their servants.

throughout Occurrences 9%

An American was reading aloud from a newspaper: "If the Imperturbable Colossus gets knocked out, a general assault upon all negroes throughout the States may be expected to ensue.

without Occurrences 6%

It might be possible to save this innocent negro without, for the time being, involving Delamere.

around Occurrences 6%

I do not hesitate to believe that many negroes around us would join in a massacre as horrible as that which has taken place, if an opportunity should offer.

before Occurrences 6%

" "I have lately engaged in the Guinea trade, and could supply her ladyship with any number of healthy young negroes before next fall," said Mr. Trail, obsequiously.

during Occurrences 6%

So many Negroes during these years concentrated at Cincinnati that the laboring element forced the execution of the almost dead law requiring free Negroes to produce certificates and give bonds for their behavior and support.

along Occurrences 5%

Being much pleased with this offer, we carried this Negro along with us, and treated him with much attention; and, sailing up the river, we came to the place where Battimansa resided, which, in my opinion, was above forty miles from the mouth of the river.

like Occurrences 5%

"If you are afraid, Jup, a great big negro like you, to take hold of a harmless little dead beetle, why, you can carry it up by this stringbut, if you do not take it up with you in some way, I shall be under the necessity of breaking your head with this shovel.

above Occurrences 5%

It unfortunately happened that both of them fell in love with the Female Negro above mentioned, who would have been very glad to have taken either of them for her Husband, provided they could agree between themselves which should be the Man.

after Occurrences 5%

This Forrest afterward became a general in the rebel army, and commanded at the capture of Fort Pillow; and, in harmony with the debasing influences of his early business, he was responsible for the fiendish massacre of negroes after the capture of the fortan act which will make his name forever infamous.

about Occurrences 4%

" Job was installed assistant nurse over Fernando, and when the captain asked the negro about him, the black face became sober, and Job shook his woolly head, saying: "Dun no, massa, spect he am gwine ter die.

Which preposition to use with  negro