Which preposition to use with nons

of Occurrences 38%

He was not a good animal, as Herbert Spencer declared was a first sine qua non of the successful life.

in Occurrences 7%

"Non in gutture vel inter dentes, seu deglutiendo et syncopando dictiones vel verba" (Con. Basil, sess.

è Occurrences 6%

Non è più bassa.

per Occurrences 5%

Non per amor del Paladino, quanto Perch'era ricco e d'artificio egregio, Caro avuto l'avea la donna tanto Che più non si può aver cosa di pregio.

to Occurrences 2%

In the year following, 1463, that excellent prince, Don Henry, died; having discovered, by his exertions, the whole coast of Africa, from Cape Non to the mountain of Sierra Liona, which is on this side of the line, in lat.

for Occurrences 2%

Substance supplies something from which selection can be made and to which Motion can be imparted; so that it is a sine qua non for the Expression of Spirit.

trouvames Occurrences 1%

A peu de distance est une montagne l'on montre une maison qu'on dit avoir été celle de Caïn; et, pendant la première journée, nous n'eumes que des montagnes, quoique le chemin soit bon; mais à la seconde nons trouvames un beau pays, et il continua d'etre agréable jusqu'à Balbec.

es Occurrences 1%

Qua re non es lassus?

on Occurrences 1%

These things are sine qua non on the modern show bench, but were not thought of in the cruel, hard fighting days of old.

amongst Occurrences 1%

The Newton Abbot strain was remarkable for beautiful heads and great quality, but was faulty in feet and not absolute as to fronts, each of which properties was a sine qua non amongst the Totteridge dogs.

Which preposition to use with  nons