Which preposition to use with orderly

in Occurrences 26%

Linda, ministering to some of Vincent's comrades, was piteously besought to ask her mistress's good offices for an orderly in the small-pox ward.

as Occurrences 15%

You see, I had been with these men now eight months, during which they had been as orderly as so many primary schoolboys.

with Occurrences 10%

I will send an orderly with you.

to Occurrences 8%

And afterward I rubbed them with the ointment for a good while, and so had them again into the shoes, and the Maid very quiet, after that I had kist her feet that did be so dainty, but yet with a sweet naughtiness in her way, as my heart perceived, though she did nothing, neither said anything, to this end; and was truly very obedient, and orderly to all my wishes.

from Occurrences 7%

An orderly from St. Mary's Hospital following with a little trunk.

for Occurrences 6%

We had made this journey and now the hour was seven in the evening, and we were dining in the big hall of the Prefecture as the guests of His Excellency, Field Marshal von Heeringen, commanding the Seventh Army of the German Kaiserdining, I might add, from fine French plates, with smart German orderlies for waiters.

at Occurrences 5%

As they finished the very plain breakfast of half-baked bread, pea-coffee, and eggs, bought by the orderly at an exorbitant rate, he said, good-naturedly: "The train don't come till about ten o'clock.

of Occurrences 5%

There I found an orderly of Franklin's, who had seen two men I described, sent off to the right to picket, until the cavalry could be sent there.

into Occurrences 2%

One of them named Rössner, related the following story to his comrades, and then, at the priest's request, again repeated it: "'In the Belgian village of Patsie the curé welcomed a German major and his orderly into his house.

than Occurrences 2%

Nothing could have been more peaceful than that quiet hotel bedroom; nothing more orderly than its arrangements.

like Occurrences 2%

The trees come pressing forward all around in close serried ranks, planting their feet exactly on its margin, and holding themselves erect, strict and orderly like soldiers on parade; thus bounding the meadow with exquisite precision, yet with free curving lines such as Nature alone can draw.

about Occurrences 1%

Only, let us be orderly about this.

along Occurrences 1%

'Sir, it is not all over yet,' answered Chimay; whereupon there arrived an archer, who came and said to the duke, 'My lord, yonder be two thousand Spaniards, who are going off all orderly along the causeway.'

by Occurrences 1%

In rebuttal, Dr. Theodore Gaillard testified that the negroes, whom he described as orderly by habit, were kept under control by the trustee and made to work.

across Occurrences 1%

" In the mellow sunset the three women followed the orderly across the fields strewed with armaments, supplies, and the rough depot paraphernalia of an army at rest.

on Occurrences 1%

Unconscious of the crisis he interrupted, the orderly on duty opened the door.

under Occurrences 1%

This morning, instead of my usual visit to the infirmary, I went to look at the work and workers in the threshing millall was going on actively and orderly under the superintendence of head-man Frank, with whom, and a very sagacious clever fellow, who manages the steam power of the mill, and is honourably distinguished as Engineer Ned, I had a small chat.

wayfor Occurrences 1%

We saw peasants diggingin an orderly wayfor acorns in the frozen ground.

among Occurrences 1%

On this firm assurance of reformation, the benevolent HOWARD became a kind of surety for her future peaceable conduct on the removal of her irons; and he had the inexpressible delight to find, on his next visit to the prisoners of this gaol, that the outrageous and ungovernable culprit, for whom he had ventured to answer, was become the most orderly among them.

Which preposition to use with  orderly