Which preposition to use with pathways

to Occurrences 127%

The world is about ustemptation is near; Oh, guide us, and shew us the pathway to God The feet of the prophets aforetime have trod!

of Occurrences 97%

All my first day was pure pleasure; simply mountaineering indulgence, crossing the dry pathways of the ancient glaciers, tracing happy streams, and learning the habits of the birds and marmots in the groves and rocks.

through Occurrences 20%

Onward, and onward, rolled this mighty orb on its pathway through the heavens, bearing with it no animal existences, freighted with no human hopescarrying with it nothing of human destiny.

in Occurrences 13%

He meets a pathway which crosses the road upon which he is travelling, and he can tell you the exact distance of the remote watering-place to which it leads; if he meet with a thousand similar pathways in a journey of five hundred miles, it will still be the same.

for Occurrences 12%

Sociology, ethics, and politics are newly blazed pathways for its development, its guidance, and its ideals.

from Occurrences 6%

The man shouted after them to stop, and seeing that they paid no attention to his commands, promptly gave chase, rushing down the narrow pathway from the hut, and scrambling after them up the opposite slope.

with Occurrences 5%

And when you stick on conversation's burrs, Don't strew the pathway with those dreadful urs.

between Occurrences 5%

Before her, singularly enough, was a clear pathway between the crowds.

over Occurrences 5%

We are first apprised of their importance when we study the nervous system, and find that every incoming sensory message pushes on and on until it finds a motor pathway over which it may travel and produce movement.

to Occurrences 4%

BROWN, WINTHROP G. Pathways to certainty.

by Occurrences 4%

There I laid me down on my stomach, listening, watching the pathway by which Babet would come, through the branches.

on Occurrences 3%

my poor Jean, I ran too fast down, the pathway on the hillside; the child caused me too great joy.

like Occurrences 2%

As they moved silently along, the snow beneath their feet was changed to grass and flowers, and the icicles which had dropped from the trees covered their pathway like stars in the Milky Way.

along Occurrences 2%

They furnish a pathway along which the nerve energy generated by the cells may travel.

at Occurrences 2%

And I bounded down the pathway at a pace fit to break my bones.

before Occurrences 2%

They saw nothing but sunshine in the sawdust pathway before them.

across Occurrences 2%

"But this road is also fortunate in its pathway across the two ranges of mountains which tested so severely the Pacific Railroads built on the central line, and the overcoming of which reflected such well-deserved honor on their energetic builders.

toward Occurrences 2%

"Yes, that's what they are;" confirmed Jimsy, as the procession passed inside the wicket gate and came up the gravelled pathway toward the house.

until Occurrences 2%

The spirit of man is inseparable from the Infinite, and can be satisfied with nothing short of the Infinite, and the burden of pain will continue to weigh upon man's heart, and the shadows of sorrow to darken his pathway until, ceasing from his wanderings in the dream-world of matter, he comes back to his home in the reality of the Eternal.

without Occurrences 2%

They landed very silently and walked up the garden pathway without saying a word, and, sitting down at an adjacent table, ordered rum and water and began drinking among themselves, speaking every now and then a word or two in a tongue that Barnaby did not well understand, but which, from certain phrases they let fall, he suspected to be Portuguese.

towards Occurrences 1%

On the evening when Agnes and her grandmother returned from the Convent, as they were standing after supper looking over the garden parapet into the gorge, their attention was caught by a man in an ecclesiastical habit, slowly climbing the rocky pathway towards them.

in Occurrences 1%

Study is a Process of Making Pathways in Brain.

up Occurrences 1%

Our greatest difficulty up till now had arisen from ice, which completely covered the steep narrow pathway up the side of the mountain, and made the ascent slippery and insecure.

beyond Occurrences 1%

Yet the garden is very quiet to-night, The dusk has long gone with the Evening Star, And out on the bay the moon's wan light Lays a silver pathway beyond the bar, Dear heart, pale and long.

into Occurrences 1%

But a study of his two years of rule fails to reveal any pitfall in his pathway into which he did not straightway stumble.

Which preposition to use with  pathways