Which preposition to use with persuasions

of Occurrences 128%

He soon, however, yields to the persuasions of the lovers and the common-sense of his physician, who has taken part in the masque, and, realizing the folly of the fables he has so long implicitly believed, condemns his books to the fire and joins in the nuptial rejoicings with a merry heart.

in Occurrences 21%

There is a subtle persuasion in the junkman's call.

to Occurrences 11%

" "What then, Socrates," said Simmias, "would you go away keeping this persuasion to yourself, or would you impart it to us?

on Occurrences 8%

Mrs. Wilson took so deep an interest in the misfortunes of this young female, and was so much pleased with the modest resignation of her manner, that it required little persuasion on the part of the recluse to obtain a promise of soon repeating her visit.

from Occurrences 5%

on is the result of persuasion from many sources that, before returning to the war zone, I should put into connected form my personal experiences as correspondent during the first year of the War of Nations.

as Occurrences 5%

In the first place, we (the excursionists,) chartered a yacht, two Hands that knew the Ropesthey looked as if they might have been acquainted with the Rope's Endand a small Octoroon of the male persuasion as waiter.

with Occurrences 4%

Though defeated in four successive combats, in the latter of which, that of Roosbeke, Artaveldt was killed, the Flemings would not submit to their imperious count, who used every persuasion with Charles to continue his assistance for the punishment of these refractory subjects.

by Occurrences 4%

This has its ultimate source in the Rhetoric of Aristotle, who made the following distinction between logic and rhetoric: Logic aims at demonstration by the syllogism and by induction; rhetoric aims at persuasion by the enthymeme and the example.

for Occurrences 3%

William employed both menaces and persuasion for that purpose; but finding the convert obstinate in his new faith, he sent for the father and told him, that as he had not succeeded, it was not just that he should keep the present; but as he had done his utmost, it was but equitable that he should be paid for his pains; and he would therefore retain only thirty marks of the money

than Occurrences 2%

The government of the Germans, and that of all the northern nations, who established themselves on the ruins of Rome, was always extremely free; and those fierce people, accustomed to independence and inured to arms, were more guided by persuasion than authority, in the submission which they paid to their princes.

at Occurrences 2%

The conversational persuasion at elections is perfectly human and rational; it is the silent persuasions that are utterly damnable.

into Occurrences 1%

He had not the slightest doubt that the widow Keswick would gladly consent to carry any message he chose to send to Miss March, and, more than that, to throw all the force of her peculiar style of persuasion into the support of his cause.

against Occurrences 1%

Before issuing the permit, it is said that he used all his powers of persuasion against the parade.

through Occurrences 1%

To inflection belongs emotion through the beautiful; to logic, interest through the truth; to plastic art, persuasion through the good.

under Occurrences 1%

As much greater as the Evils in a future State are than these at present, so much are the Motives to Persuasion under Christianity greater than those which meer moral Considerations could supply us with.

Which preposition to use with  persuasions