Which preposition to use with pice

for Occurrences 3%

Ere the company departs each member subscribes a pice for the story-teller, who in this way earns about forty pice a day, no inconsiderable income in truth for the mere retail of second-hand fables: and then with a word of peace to the landlord the men troop slowly forth to their homes.

of Occurrences 2%

On a certain morning in February Ramani Babu sprung a mine on his tenants by circulating a notice among them to the effect that they would have to pay up every pice of rent on or before the 10th prox.

as Occurrences 1%

I will not ask a single pice as dowry.

at Occurrences 1%

You are plaguing me to death with notices, yet you must be aware that I can't pay you a pice at present.

around Occurrences 1%

pices around all the remainder of the body, crossed the sacred stiffened arms on the chest, and bound the large white sheet round the body as high as the chest, in the same manner as if they had been swaddling a child.

on Occurrences 1%

I killed his bullock, I set fire to his house, and I got a wife without expending a pice on my marriage; while youyou have spent all the money you brought with you from home, and have met with nothing but starvation and trouble; what good has your money done you?"

per Occurrences 1%

Each occupant of the room has been provided with a tiny glass of weak opium-water from the large China jar on the landlord's desk, paying a pice per glass for the beverage.

Which preposition to use with  pice