Which preposition to use with pillow

of Occurrences 88%

Like LOT'S wife, she'd orter been turned into a pillow of salt, and then the pillow had orter been sewed up and cast into the sea.

on Occurrences 68%

Olympia, with her mother's head pillowed on her lap, strove to fan a current of air into circulation.

with Occurrences 50%

In an instant they were sitting up in bed, rubbing their eyes with one hand and grasping their pillows with the other.

in Occurrences 36%

He began to whimper, whereupon Samuel threw him back upon his pillows in disgust.

for Occurrences 34%

See here a pillow for thy dear head" But now again he caught her to him close and fierce, and kissed her oft; and holding her thus, spake: "Thou knowest I do love thee, my Helen?

at Occurrences 27%

" "Idiot," cried Billie, throwing the pillow at him in earnest.

under Occurrences 25%

You looked very white in your sleep, and he said 'you wouldn't wake up'; so I lifted your head just a mite, and he fixed the pillow under it.

from Occurrences 14%

Then bed, and the routine of its unfolding and coaxing the pillow from beneath the iron clamp.

to Occurrences 11%

A man in this position can be thrown so that he will either fall as lightly as a baby falls from his pillow to the bed, or with sufficient force to break his ribs.

against Occurrences 9%

In one corner was spread a coarse sheet with a couple of pillows against the wall, upon which the silent Mahomedan bade us by a sign recline; in the opposite corner a 'panja', a species of altar smothered in jasmine wreaths and surmounted by a bunch of peacock's feathers; and immediately in front of this an earthen brazier of live charcoal.

beside Occurrences 7%

Gerald was gone, but a bouquet of fragrant flowers lay on the pillow beside her.

into Occurrences 6%

She threw back the tumbled bedclothes, tossed half a dozen pillows into place, transforming it into a day couch, and ran to the mirror.

by Occurrences 5%

"When I carry a document such as this," she would say, "one pour faire les Boches se créver, it never leaves my bosom all the day and rests under my pillow by night.

over Occurrences 4%

"I will pretend to be asleep too," said Ethel to herself and she drew up the bed-clothes to hide her evening dress and put a pillow over her head.

beneath Occurrences 4%

I saw our little Gertrude die, She left off breathing, and no more I smoothed the pillow beneath her head.

than Occurrences 3%

I think I slept better last night on your little pillow than any night since we were called out.

behind Occurrences 3%

"Raise me up and put some pillows behind me, Tom.

as Occurrences 3%

It is obvious that at the beginning they could not address a tiny thing on a pillow as Nancy, because she was too young.

like Occurrences 3%

Slowly his arms sank, the thin hands strove to fold themselvesfell apart, and, sighing rapturously, Friar Martin sank back upon his pillows like one that is weary, and, with the sigh, was dead.

out Occurrences 3%

Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night trying to drive the pillow out of the window with a bed-slat?" "Oh, sometimes," answered Outfield West smilingly.

about Occurrences 2%

She smoothed the pillow about his head and the sheets across his shoulders, and spoke softly.

across Occurrences 2%

For a weary age she had been sitting in a low rocker, a pillow across her lap, and on that the little, tortured body swaddled with cotton soaked in olive oil, the only dressing she and Mrs. Howe could devise to ease the pain.

among Occurrences 2%

A whole dozen or two little straw pillows among one hundred and sixty men!

within Occurrences 2%

He climbed again into bed, blew the candle out, put the matchbox under his pillow within easy reach, and so once more curled himself up into a ball and composed himself to sleep.

before Occurrences 1%

asserted Kitty mischievously, "while poor you and I sit in corners!" "Come, come, dears," and Mrs. Carey joined in the conversation as she picked up a pillow before returning to the house.

Which preposition to use with  pillow