Which preposition to use with plaints

of Occurrences 37%

In Praise of By-gone Simplicity A Wife Bemoans Her Husband's Absence The Earl of Shaou's Work The Plaint of King Yew's Forsaken Wife Hospitality On the Misery of Soldiers Part III.Greater Odes of the Kingdom.

to Occurrences 4%

Others are love plaints to "Alysoun" or some other lady whose "name is in a note of the nightingale;" whose eyes are as gray as glass, and her skin as "red as rose on ris."

about Occurrences 2%

" Swinburne, when he dodged about London, a lively young dog, wrote "Poems and Ballads," and "Chastelard," since he has gone to live at Putney, he has contributed to the Nineteenth Century, and published an interesting little volume entitled, "A Century of Rondels," in which he continues his plaint about his mother the sea.

at Occurrences 2%

Wilder, who was accustomed to the honest professional bravados that often formed a peculiar embellishment to the really firm and manly resolution of the seamen of that age, permitted him to make his plaints at will, while he busied himself in a manner that he knew was now of the last importance and in a duty that properly came under his more immediate inspection, in consequence of the station he occupied.

from Occurrences 2%

And the plaint from all humanity was in that undertone, as if to keep him sweet.

en Occurrences 1%

PLAIGNANT, E, qui se plaint en justice.

for Occurrences 1%

Good Master Davis, bee not so discourteous As not to heare a maidens plaint for vertuous.

against Occurrences 1%

He replied, 'A person has a plaint against them, and their crimes have been fully proved; the king's mandate has been issued, and I have no alternative.'

in Occurrences 1%

For this wondrous Beast raised her plaint in a mortal tongue.

along Occurrences 1%

My piercing plaints along the desert plains; And woods and groves do echo forth my woes: The earth below relents in crystal tears, When heav'ns above, by some malignant course Of fatal stars, are authors of my grief.

as Occurrences 1%

In one of the willows, at the other side of the island, the mysterious bird was trilling from his hiding place, a dizzying shower of notes, which broke at the crescendo of the musical whirl-pool into a plaint as soft and long-sustained as a golden thread stretched in the silence of the night across the river, that seemed to be applauding with its hushed murmur.

over Occurrences 1%

He raised no plaint over what had befallen his race; "the Great Spirit above directs us so that whatever hath been said or done must be good and right," he said in a spirit of strange fatalism well known to certain creeds, both Christian and heathen.

Which preposition to use with  plaints