Which preposition to use with poisonings

of Occurrences 19%

Lamson therefore had made the poisoning of this boy a careful and particular study.

by Occurrences 14%

33-7 Kettle 338 Pie with tench and eels 349 Sauce 413, 512 Scallop 350-1 Soup 192 Stock 192 Supply of, for the London market 353 To smoke at home 820 Fishes, natural history of 199-210 Fits 2633 Apoplexy 2634-6 and drunkenness, distinctions between 2638 epilepsy, distinctions between 2637 hysterics distinctions between 2639 poisoning by opium, distinctions between 2640 Epilepsy 2641

from Occurrences 4%

The danger of blood poisoning from a wound is greatly increased if the bullet passes through dirty clothes.

in Occurrences 3%

He was laid up with blood poisoning in his foot at the time and he had been wheeled into the woods from his camp that afternoon.

at Occurrences 2%

From the remains of the paper he made out during the early days of his imprisonment, that a Cardinal Spada, at the end of the fifteenth century, fearing poisoning at the hands of Pope Alexander VI., had buried in the Island of Monte Cristo, a rock between Corsica and Elba, all his ingots, gold, money, and jewels, amounting then to nearly two million Roman crowns.

as Occurrences 2%

For courage in persisting with dangerous work, with a certainty of suffering from poisoning as a result.

for Occurrences 1%

In some parts of India, cattle poisoning for the sake of the hides is extensively practised.

among Occurrences 1%

"Rasula coolly asked me, at one of our resting places, if there had been any symptoms of poisoning among us.

Which preposition to use with  poisonings