Which preposition to use with punting

to Occurrences 3%

Dream'd that I punted to Mr. Froth.

on Occurrences 2%

At night came Ramajee Punt on board the Protector, bringing with him a deserter from the fort, who reported that the Governor had been killed and a good deal of damage done.

at Occurrences 2%

Ramajee Punt at once made a formal demand for the fort to be given up to him.

with Occurrences 2%

The Surveyor-General, Colonel Freeling, immediately started out, taking with him both a boat and an iron punt with which to float on these new waters.

beneath Occurrences 1%

Yonder barefoot boy, as he drifts silently in his punt beneath the drooping branches of yonder vine-clad bank, has a bliss which no Astor can buy with money, no Seward conquer with votes,which yet is no monopoly of his, and to which time and experience only add a more subtile and conscious charm.

for Occurrences 1%

Here we find lovers strolling in pairs along the towing-path; family groups pic-nicking in the shade; boats and punts for hire, and a swimming-match just coming off, of which all that is visible are two black heads bobbing up and down along the middle of the stream.

off Occurrences 1%

Remsen thinks you are fine and so do I. 'With March to take half the punting off your hands,' said he one day, 'you'll have plenty of time to run the team to the Queen's taste.'

Which preposition to use with  punting