Which preposition to use with pussy

by Occurrences 2%

Apples in the orchard Mellowing one by one; Strawberries upturning Soft cheeks to the sun; Roses faint with sweetness, Lilies fair of face, Drowsy scents and murmurs Haunting every place; Lengths of golden sunshine, Moonlight bright as day, Don't you think that summer's Pleasanter than May? Roger in the corn-patch Whistling negro songs; Pussy by the hearth-side Romping with the tongs;

with Occurrences 2%

This our boys cheerfully denominate "skinning the cat," because the sensations it suggests, on a first experiment, are supposed to resemble those of pussy with her skin drawn over her head; but, after a few experiments, it seems like stroking the fur in the right direction, and grows rather pleasant.

at Occurrences 1%

Grandy only was away from the table: she was in her customary seat by the fire, with the pussy at her feet, and her fingers nimbly engaged on a par à tête, which she was knitting with extraordinary facility considering her age and impaired vision.

for Occurrences 1%

"Yes,so we were; and now taking pussy for the godmother, the characters of the story are well personated,all but the slipper," said Di, laughing, as she thought of the many times they had played it together years ago.

of Occurrences 1%

Another plate shows the mausoleum of the Duchess of Lesdiguières' cat, with a marble pussy of heroic size, upon a marble pillow, in a grove of poplars.

Which preposition to use with  pussy