Which preposition to use with puting

in Occurrences 3180%

Both entrances were arranged and the old elevator (which had not worked for years) was put in order.

to Occurrences 2751%

It had something in its talons, which it put to its mouth and tore at....

into Occurrences 2642%

He was remarkably intelligent and absolutely unscrupulous, didn't hesitate to put into the mouths of people what he wished them to say, so he naturally had a great pull over the ordinary simple-minded journalist who wrote simply what he saw and heard.

on Occurrences 1948%

The grand piano, which had been standing well out toward the middle of the room, open, with music on it (I dare say some of Liszt's ownbut I didn't have time to examine), was being pushed back into a corner, all the music hidden away, and the instrument covered with photographs, vases of flowers, statuettes, heavy books, all the things one doesn't habitually put on pianos.

under Occurrences 273%

The same seed becomes a very different plant when sowed in one soil or another, and put under this or that mode of cultivation.

out Occurrences 260%

In entering the Christian life, one must put out of his heart the expectation that it is to be an easy life, or one removed from toil and danger.

before Occurrences 175%

The aborigines of this far away country have no written language, and this work aims to put before the traveler or trader a means of communication with this people which it is hoped will be of mutual benefit to both.

at Occurrences 124%

In recognition of this general fear, the unmuzzled Cerberus was put at the gate of Hades.

through Occurrences 99%

We turned our horses and ran, the bullets flying after us thick and fastmy whip being shot from my hand and daylight being put through the crown of my hat.

for Occurrences 98%

"Let's put for the village.

with Occurrences 52%

Boys who were taken to gaol for the first time were put with old and hardened criminals; the prisons were dirty and ill-smelling; the dungeons were dark and unhealthy; and, unless prisoners could afford to pay for comforts, they were obliged to sleep on cold bare floors, even delicate women not being exempted from such cruel treatment.

by Occurrences 38%

If she was kept late at the hospital, Mavity put by a bite of cold supper for her, and Mandy always waited to see that she had what she wanted.

after Occurrences 34%

Tapp was still putting after him.

about Occurrences 32%

Education is not a thing of books alone, or schools; it is a process of intellectual assimilation of what is about us, or what we put about ourselves.

over Occurrences 32%

The Lunarians write as we do, from left to right; but when their words consist of more than one syllable, all the subsequent syllables are put over the first, so that what we call long words, they call high ones: which mode of writing makes them more striking to the eye.

between Occurrences 31%

Unless you break down the bar you put between us, I never want to see your face again,never, living or dead!

from Occurrences 19%

He put from him the knowledge of how her charm wrought upon himbound him the faster every time he spoke to her.

behind Occurrences 18%

I have triedah, how often!to put behind me the memory of her face as I saw it then, but it is before me now and again, even yet.

of Occurrences 17%

I am utterly against those confused Olios into which men put almost all kinds of meats and Roots, and especially against putting of Oyle, for it corrupts the Broath, instead of adding goodnesse to it.

beyond Occurrences 16%

Jarvis felt satisfied that his veracity had been put beyond question.

beside Occurrences 14%

It is, however, in the double aisled transepts that we can best appreciate how very glorious that first Norman church must have been; there is nothing in England more wonderful; and so far as I know there is nothing in Europe quite to put beside them.

within Occurrences 14%

The buffalo were put within a wire fence, which, when it was built, was found to have included both black-tail and white-tail deer.

among Occurrences 13%

It has, doubtless, found its way into your state-room, and has been put among your effects by your man, through mistake.

as Occurrences 12%

This is put as a question, and Shelley does not supply an answer to it here, though the terms in which his enquiry is couched seem intended to suggest a reply to the effect that the mind shall not die.

aboard Occurrences 11%

Behind them, at least four hundred people packed and waiting with their possessions at their feet, ready to be put aboard the instant the Oklahoma made fast.

Which preposition to use with  puting