Which preposition to use with quier

in Occurrences 32%

If the prayer be addressed to God the Son, the concluding words are Qui vivis et regnase.g., Deus qui in tuae caritatis exemplum ad fidelium redemptionem ....

en Occurrences 8%

Au dîner, on sert un plat de petits poissons et Voltaire, qui en était friand, le mange à lui tout seul.

on Occurrences 5%

He wondered the English should have sent him to Paris"On n'aime pas l'homme par qui on a été battu.

te Occurrences 4%

"Qui te videt beatus est, Beatior qui te audiet, Qui te potitur est Deus.

ob Occurrences 3%

[2099]"Nam qui ob literas emersisse illos credat, desipit; qui vero ingenii, eruditionis, experientiae, probitatis, pietatis, et Musarum id esse pretium putat" (quod olim revera fuit, hodie promittitur) "planissime insanit."

per Occurrences 2%

Oremus and prayer, Deus qui per resurrectionem.

à Occurrences 1%

a fait entrer, une traduction trop libre, et surtout s'il s'y fut interdit de nombreux retranchemens qui à la vérité nous épargnent l'ennui de certains détails peu faits pour plaire, mais qui aussi nous privent de l'inestimable avantage d'apprécier l'auteur et son siècle.

of Occurrences 1%

Heaven Smild at the contract twixt us; quiers of Saints Receivd our mutuall vowes, and though your Mother May in her passion seeme to have forgott Her pretious faith, yet when I shall awake Her sleeping reason with the memory Of that has past betwixt us, my strong hope Tells me I shall induce her to the spheare Which she has movd from.

as Occurrences 1%

For instance, in Monsieur Alphonse, a husband, on discovering that his wife has had an intrigue before their marriage, and that a little girl whom she wishes to adopt is really her daughter, instantly raises her from the ground where she lies grovelling at his feet, and says: "Créature de Dieu, toi qui as failli et

concernoit Occurrences 1%

Cependant il a cru devoir séparer ce qui concernoit de Carpin d'avec ce qui appartient à Simon, afin d'avoir des mémoires sur la seconde ambassade comme on en avoit sur la première.

es Occurrences 1%

On the third scroll is written: "En toy qui es Fitz de Dieu le Pere, Saufve soit qui gist sours cest Pierre.

tanto Occurrences 1%

c. 2. Longa famis tolerantia, ut iis saepe accidit qui tanto cum fervore Deo servire cupiunt per jejunium, quod maniaci efficiantur, ipse vidi saepe.

vestimento Occurrences 1%

"Remember what Saint Fulgentius said: 'Et si mithetur in stagnum ignis et sulphuris qui nudum vestimento non tegit, quid passures est qui vestimento crudelis expoliat?

Which preposition to use with  quier