Which preposition to use with quivered

with Occurrences 301%

They were much amused when suddenly Francis burst into the room, having escaped a moment from his Nonnon, who was busy with her last packing, his little face flushed and quivering with anger because his toys had been packed and he was to be taken away from the big house.

in Occurrences 159%

Then, after he has finished his meal, you may see him crouched close on some level limb with his tail-robe neatly spread and reaching forward to his ears, the electric, outstanding hairs quivering in the breeze like pine-needles.

of Occurrences 143%

The lateral quiver of the sun-stream, had grown so swift as to cause the dancing semi-circle of flame to merge into, and disappear in, a sheet of fire that covered half the Southern sky from East to West.

on Occurrences 51%

She went up to her old bedchamber with unshed tears heavy about her eyes, and a pathetic smile quivering on her mouth.

under Occurrences 34%

His poor horse, quivering under a blow, is not the worst sufferer.

at Occurrences 34%

" Her voice quivered at the end, and almost broke.

like Occurrences 33%

The medium quivers like an aspen leaf; the dead woman's brothers crawl forward and lay their foreheads upon his feet; he shakes more violently as the spirit takes firmer hold upon him; and then with a wild shriek he rolls upon the ground and lies, rent with paroxysms, his face stretched upwards to the winnowing-fan.

from Occurrences 25%

With it went the fire from his eye, the quiver from his lip, and it is necessary to add, everything else calculated to awaken sympathy.

for Occurrences 20%

Apart from the rush of the exodus, a youth remained at the rail, gazing out and quivering for the smell of war.

through Occurrences 19%

And at last he settled back in the snow and turned his head straight up to the spruce-tops, and the wolf came out of him in a long mournful cry which quivered through the still night for miles.

to Occurrences 13%

"Reverend Mother" he began, and stoppedfor at the word her dark lashes lifted and she stared upon him curiously, while slowly her red lips quivered to a smile.

beneath Occurrences 8%

CHAPTER XII THE CONTENTS OF A BANDANNA It was a breathless August evening; all day the land had lain humming and quivering beneath the glare of the sun.

as Occurrences 7%

She quivered as before, but this was a long, shuddering thrill shot over her by that spoken affirmation.

into Occurrences 7%

And you can lay to this, Rhinehart: I'll remember you a pile better'n you'll remember me!" All the repressed savagery of his nature came quivering into his voice as he spoke, and the other shrank instinctively a pace.

about Occurrences 6%

The slight tree writhed and quivered about the roots.

over Occurrences 6%

The sun set in a cloudless heaven; the evening star hung quivering over the green-topped hills; the twilight dropped noiseless and fragrant over earth and water, and the long-dreamed-of moment had arrived at last.

out Occurrences 5%

Looking up at last, she saw another face bending over her, a face in which grief had worn stern lines; there were tears in the eyes, and some recent struggle quivering out of it.

across Occurrences 4%

There is a howl of rage and agony, and a gaunt gray figure leaps upward and falls quivering across the form of the child.

within Occurrences 4%

Lenore felt her face blanch; and that intense quiver within her suddenly stilled.

along Occurrences 3%

Who this mother was I knew not; but the news of the death of a child whom I knew and loved could not have affected me more strangely and keenly than this semi-articulate sob which quivered along the iron airtrack, in the silence of the evening, from one unknownto another unknown.

before Occurrences 3%

His look and attitude had indeed been so unmistakable that Philip Alston now wondered in sudden terror if she had not already observed them, and hewho had feared nothing in all his lifequailed and quivered before this sudden fear with abject cowardice.

by Occurrences 2%

As Diane hunted on a day, She chaunst to come where Cupid lay, His quiver by his head: One of his shafts she stole away, And one of hers did close convay, Into the others stead: With that Love wounded my Loves hart, But Diane, beasts with Cupids dart.

between Occurrences 2%

At night, when sleep relaxed the will to forget, which his vigilance kept at painful tension, that blue house, the green, diabolical eyes of its principal denizen, that pair of fresh lips with their ironic smile that seemed to quiver between two rows of gleaming white teeth, would become the inevitable center of all his dreams.

behind Occurrences 2%

All the east was yellow now; a rose-light quivered behind the forest like the shimmer of a hidden fire; then a blinding shaft of light fell across the world.

against Occurrences 2%

The wailing of the women quivered against the heavy grief of the men.

Which preposition to use with  quivered