Which preposition to use with radios

in Occurrences 19%

Quum ad solis radios in leone longam moram traheret, ut capillos slavos redderet, in maniam incidit.

from Occurrences 4%

International Publishers Co., Inc. (PWH); 30Dec70; R497682. ROCK, FRANKLIN M. Radio from start to finish.

up Occurrences 4%

The home radio up to date, by A. Hyatt Verrill and E. E. Verrill.

for Occurrences 3%

As the Star Ranger rapidly closed the distance, Mark radioed for landing clearance.

to Occurrences 2%

From the Luther Bible to the first phonorecords, from radio to the pulps, from cable to MP3, the world has shown that its first preference for new media is its "democratic-ness" the ease with which it can reproduced.

Which preposition to use with  radios