Which preposition to use with referenced

to Occurrences 5091%

After that, I kept silence; it was evident that any reference to the Swine-things, was more than her shaken nerves could bear.

in Occurrences 138%

I can find no previous reference in the MS.

from Occurrences 96%

He knew that Hill wouldn't gossip about him for fear of being exposed, for that would mean that Hill would lose his situation and would find it impossible to get another one without a reference from him.

of Occurrences 58%

I know that he who spares the rod spoils the child, ungrateful boy!" says Madame Esmond, with more references of the same nature, which George heard, looking very pale and desperate.

for Occurrences 32%

" "Didn't she ask you to subscribe?" "No; she merely asked for the use of my name as reference for future clients if The Green Mouse Society was successful in my case.

on Occurrences 14%

They just rained down on us; but then Frank knows how to check up his engine suddenly, and the storm passed by without any hurt!" Some of the fellows, who happened to know what this sly reference on the part of the hotheaded Andy meant, began to chuckle.

by Occurrences 13%

For another reference by Stevenson to the older novelist, see our Note 47 of Chapter IV above.]

as Occurrences 11%

The piece of Lamb's own which had been hissed was, of course, "Mr. H.," produced on December 10, 1806; but very likely he added this reference as a symmetrical afterthought, for he would probably have visited Master Betty much earlier in his career, that phenomenon's first appearance at Covent Garden being two years before the advent of the ill-fated Hogsflesh.

at Occurrences 5%

" "And the daughter," said Jervis, "what is she like?" "Oh, she is a learned lady; works up bibliographies and references at the Museum.

than Occurrences 4%

His arrangement of the Observatory correspondence was excellent and elaborate: probably no papers are more easy of reference than those arranged on his system.

under Occurrences 3%

N.B.(The employer will not be referred to unless he is given as a reference under paragraph 20 below.) (b) Nature of his business.

with Occurrences 3%

"You said just now, in talking to Delkin, that you'd the greatest confidence in this Mrs. Marlow, and had the best references with her, Fullaway," he remarked.

before Occurrences 2%

An elderly gentleman, with gold-rimmed spectacles and a very benevolent expression, was busy with several books of reference before him, seated at a desk.

within Occurrences 1%

2. Jac. I. p. 21., for Parkership, can any of your readers tell me the meaning of "the Pokership," which is not to be found in any book of reference within my reach?

after Occurrences 1%

Throughout the body of the work will be found reference after reference to my colleagues and companions of the expedition, whose services to science I have endeavored to set forth, and for whom I shall always feel the most cordial friendship and regard.

out Occurrences 1%

Still, as there is only one reference out of nine that really supports the proposition in immediate connection with which the references are made, the reader would be very apt to carry away a mistaken impression.

about Occurrences 1%

In the meantime no doubt you police gentlemen'll get more news about this last affair at Hull, and perhaps Miss Lennard'll find those references about the Frenchwoman, and maybe we shall mop things up bit by bitfor mopped up they'll have to be, or my name isn't what it is!

Which preposition to use with  referenced