Which preposition to use with robs

of Occurrences 374%

She had been robbed of her birthright!

in Occurrences 29%

Besides, when yuh git right down to brass tacks, thar isn't as much danger o' my bein' robbed in the night-time, as in the day.

on Occurrences 15%

Bailey (1730-6) has 'to Pad ... to rob on the road on foot.'

at Occurrences 13%

He thought he had been robbed at Epsom or in town.

for Occurrences 12%

I do not rob for greed, like Calvert and Williams, or kill for lust, like the departed Cosh.

from Occurrences 12%

You must give him what you have robbed from me.

with Occurrences 11%

Throughout four years, three months and ten days, it had ramped and raged over the land, under the sea and in the air, slaughtering, poisoning, ravaging, without cessation, killing wherever it could, robbing with colossal greed, defiling what it could neither kill nor carry away, leaving across the pages of history a trail of blood and filth and slime that all the tears of all the angels cannot ever wash away.

to Occurrences 5%

But if I never make another, you will remember that I have left Rob to you for your servant.

without Occurrences 4%

Their hungry swarms the peaceful vale shall fright, Still fierce to threaten, still afraid to fight; The teeming year's whole product shall devour, Insatiate pluck the fruit, and crop the flow'r; Shall glutton on the industrious peasants' spoil, Rob without fear, and fatten without toil; Then o'er the world shall discord stretch her wings; Kings change their laws, and kingdoms change their kings.

during Occurrences 4%

"The contention of the police was that the caretaker had been murdered and robbed during that night before she went to bed, that young Greenhill had done the murder, seeing that he was the only person known to have been intimate with the woman, and that it was, moreover, proved unquestionably that he was in the immediate neighbourhood of the Rubens Studios at an extraordinarily late hour of the night.

like Occurrences 3%

They must sting like wasps, revenge like wasps, hold altogether like wasps, build like wasps, work hard like wasps, rob like wasps; then, like the wasps, they will be the terror of all around, and kill and eat all their enemies.

as Occurrences 3%

Before they got down from their high perch, Roy said, earnestly, "If God sent us Rob as an opportunity, Dudley, I wonder if we did him good.

under Occurrences 2%

He always robs under the wizard of law, and picks pockets with tricks in equity.

than Occurrences 2%

"There's more sailormen robbed than all the rest put together.

by Occurrences 2%

They play the bear's and fox's part; Now rob by force, now steal with art.

vs Occurrences 1%

The 7. of Iuly the Gouernour sent vs a man secretly by night willing vs to looke vnto our selues, and not to trust the Emperour, with whom all the Marchantes conspired, and went to inuade our ships, and that hee ment to rob vs, being very licentious and euill minded.

himlegallyof Occurrences 1%

"The day will come when we shall prefer helping our neighbour to robbing himlegallyof a million dollars. "Do what good you can now, while it is unusual, and have the satisfaction of being a pioneer and an eccentric.

after Occurrences 1%

Miss Bertram agreed and while she went indoors for a chat with the housekeeper, the boys tore round the place dragging Rob after them.

himfor Occurrences 1%

I was nothing but his bailiff's daughter, remember; a bailiff who had robbed himfor whose escape from penal servitude I paid the price.

between Occurrences 1%

He told me that, only a short time since, an officer was robbed between Suppa and Puna, and as he attempted to defend himself, was murdered; but he added that such instances were extraordinarily rare.

through Occurrences 1%

He had no longer any tranquillity, even with the doors closed, for he feared that he was being robbed through the crevices.

before Occurrences 1%

If any house or shop was robbed before sunrise, a tax was levied upon every inhabitant, of 4d.

Which preposition to use with  robs