Which preposition to use with rôle

of Occurrences 197%

NORTON, GENET, and confrères have kindly consented to perform their original rôles of The Victims.

in Occurrences 51%

Hart soon gave up Cassio to Kynaston for the title rôle in which he is said to have excelled.

as Occurrences 11%

He is cast for such rôles as Tom Faithfull in Revet's The Town Shifts (April, 1671); Eumenes in Edward Howard's The Woman's Conquest (1671); and Battista in Crowne's Juliana (1671).

to Occurrences 7%

We have every reason for assigning that rôle to the pineal.

for Occurrences 4%

At last Mike was persuaded to confess the humble little rôle for which the eminent actors who had consented to be his colleagues had cast him.

than Occurrences 3%

All this country may be considered as classic ground, immortalized by the campaigns of Napoleon, when commander in chief of the army of the French Republic in Italy, a far greater and more illustrious rôle than when he assumed the Imperial bauble and condescended to mix with the vulgar herd of Kings.

by Occurrences 3%

An intellectual man readily does the opposite, and with him the person with whom he converses is often no more than the mere occasion of a monologue; and it often happens that the other then makes up for his subordinate rôle by lying in wait for the man of intellect, and drawing his secrets out of him.

with Occurrences 2%

Although she shone in comedy with the brighter light, she could play serious rôles with majesty and power, and feel, or pretend to feel, a trifle bored in so doing.

at Occurrences 2%

Four years later, 6 February, 1721, they were acting the same rôles at this theatre, with Mrs. Cross as Bellemante, and Quin, Ryan, in the cast.

on Occurrences 2%

What is their rôle on earth?

like Occurrences 1%

When Princess Marie was called to the throne of France, she found herself transported from one of the most penurious and obscure to the most splendid of the Courts of Europe"frightened and overwhelmed," as de Goncourt tells us, "by the grandeur of the King, bringing to her husband nothing but obedience, to marriage only duty; trembling and faltering in her queenly rôle like some escaped nun lost in Versailles.

en Occurrences 1%

il y avoit un nommé Jacques Coeur, qui depuis a joué un grand rôle en France et a été argentier du roi.

à Occurrences 1%

Madame, je ne puis pas jouer deux rôles à la fois: il faut que je paroisse ou la maîtresse ou la suivante, que j'obéisse ou que j'ordonne. SILVIA.

beyond Occurrences 1%

His lively and many-sided receptivity, active industry, clever and combative eloquence, and enthusiastic disposition qualified him for this rôle beyond all his contemporaries, who testify that they owe even more to his stimulating conversation than to his writings.

before Occurrences 1%

But who does not wish for the beau rôle before one's idol?

into Occurrences 1%

He's got out of the wrong rôle into the right one.

Which preposition to use with  rôle