Which preposition to use with sacrifices

of Occurrences 827%

It is called the "Self-Sacrifice of Van Speyk," and depicts the brave admiral of that name blowing up his vessel rather than surrender.

to Occurrences 614%

Then they were either sold as slaves, sacrificed to juju, or eaten by the tribe.

for Occurrences 227%

It would leave him badly crippled for funds, but one must expect to make sacrifices for the sake of principle.

in Occurrences 174%

Not that she believed her father capable of murder or its procuration, but, knowing his potency with the authorities, she saw that there were many ways in which Jack might be sacrificed in the natural course of military duties.

on Occurrences 107%

"It will be making a great sacrifice on my part," the Doctor replied, "but out of friendship for you, I'll make you a proposition.

at Occurrences 45%

Meat from the sacrifices at the prince's temple he would never put aside till the following day.

with Occurrences 29%

The effect of these repeated and heavy afflictions was to further develop her character, and to increase the devotion and self-sacrifice with which she gave herself to works of benevolence and to the extension of the Saviour's kingdom.

as Occurrences 25%

Even where, for example, in the question of the origin and meaning of sacrifice, they seem to necessitate a modification of the somewhat elaborate à priori definition, popular in some modern schools (though not in them all), yet that modification is altogether favourable to the sounder conception of the Eucharistic Sacrifice as a food-offering complementary to the Sacrifice of the Cross.

by Occurrences 17%

Let him take thought for their welfare before his own, and teach self-sacrifice by example.

without Occurrences 16%

This advice was thankfully listened to, a fleet was fitted out, and thousands were sacrificed without any advantage; for the French not only forbore to assist us in the expedition, but forbade us to seize the treasure when we had found it.

than Occurrences 15%

My uncle, General M'Carthy, has written me the cheerful tidings, that my father has consented to receive his only child, without any other sacrifice than a condition of attending the service of the Catholic Church without any professions on my side, or even an understanding that I am conforming to its peculiar tenets.

unto Occurrences 14%

Noah then edified an altar to our Lord and took of all the beasts that were clean and offered sacrifice unto our Lord; and our Lord smelled the sweetness of the sacrifice and said to Noah: From henceforth I shall not curse the earth for man, for he is prone and ready to fall from the beginning of his youth.

from Occurrences 12%

After the War everyone wanted some sacrifice from Hungary, and no one dared to say a word of peace or goodwill for her.

before Occurrences 7%

Within the house, however, there was almost a stoical calma sensation of cloistered chastity produced by the restraint of ornament and the subdued light on gloriously painted frescoes representing evening benediction at a temple altar, a gathering of the Muses, sacrifice before a shrine of Aesculapius and Jason's voyage to Colchis for the Golden Fleece.

among Occurrences 6%

The hardships and trials which they had suffered developed a spirit of self-sacrifice among these indomitable people.

through Occurrences 6%

An inexpressible joy bounded through every vein, and the soft air breathed purity and self-sacrifice through my soul.

into Occurrences 3%

know that if thou do not fulfil all my desires, I shall then cut off my limbs and offer them as a sacrifice into a blazing fire.

under Occurrences 3%

By the constant allusions which are carried on in the New Testament to the sacrifices under the law, as pre-signifying a great atonement made by Christ, and by the strong expressions which are used in describing the effects of His death, the sacred writers show, as plainly as language allows, that there was an efficacy in His sufferings far beyond that of mere example and instruction.

during Occurrences 3%

No quarter was given to men with arms in their hands; but women and children were spared, and only a few of the peaceable inhabitants were sacrificed during the storm.

of Occurrences 2%

These were the three persons darkly indicated by the three stars that suddenly came to view surrounding the sun, when Julianus in our presence was offering the Sacrifices of Entrance in front of the senate-house.

after Occurrences 2%

What remaineth in a sacrifice after dedication to the gods and the pitris is regarded as ambrosia; and what remaineth after feeding the guest is called Vighasa and is equivalent to ambrosia itself.

against Occurrences 2%

Refutation of the charge of human sacrifices against the Moorish Princes.

like Occurrences 2%

I begin to tremble for the poor Greeks; they will be sacrificed like the Catalans, and left to be impaled for rebellion, as soon as that vainglorious woman the Czarina has glutted her lust of fame, and secured Azoph by a peace, which I hear is all she insists on keeping.

throughout Occurrences 2%

The wild cat and fox have also been sacrificed throughout the greater part of the country, for the security of the poultry-yard or the fold.

within Occurrences 2%

I need not tell you that I feel earnestly, sensibly and deeply for you; and any mortal effort or sacrifice within my power should not be wanting to effect an object so desirable by your friends.

Which preposition to use with  sacrifices