Which preposition to use with scholarship

of Occurrences 23%

The Ciceronianus of Erasmus testifies that by the next century the scholarship of the renaissance had discovered that the Ad Herennium was not from the pen of Cicero, and that the De inventione was considered apologetically by its famous author, who wrote his De oratore to supersede the more youthful treatise.

in Occurrences 22%

The advance of classical scholarship in England is indeed no better illustrated than by a comparison of Farnaby's cited sources with those of Thomas Wilson (1553).

at Occurrences 18%

What is a scholarship at Trinity by the side of a crown of martyrdom, with angels awaiting you as your head is taken off?

for Occurrences 8%

He endowed a medical tutorship, also scholarships for students.

to Occurrences 6%

But Grattan's assertion that the man who, as his sister said of him, knew but two books, the "Æneid" and the "Faerie Queene," was superior in scholarship to one who, with the exception of his rival, Fox, had probably no equal for knowledge of the great authors of antiquity in either House of Parliament, is little short of a palpable absurdity.

as Occurrences 4%

To be sure, it recognizes the ends of scholarship as worthy.

from Occurrences 2%

Young Barlitt won a Balliol scholarship from Sedleigh last year."

with Occurrences 1%

In proof of which I need only tell you, that coupling his matchless scholarship with his extraordinary accomplishments, the professors in their address to him at the close of the controversy have bestowed upon him the epithet of 'Admirable'an appellation by which he will ever after be distinguished.

above Occurrences 1%

Et egli replicò, 'Ne può piacere il vedere il suo in man d' altri.' Guarini would hardly have acknowledged his indebtedness to Tasso in the way of art, but he drew on all sources for the incidents of his plot, and, since he appears to have valued a reputation for scholarship above one for originality, he recorded a fair proportion of his borrowings in his notes.

into Occurrences 1%

Sometimes he lectured and sometimes he preached, and in his Saturday papers he brought his wide reading and nice scholarship into service for the instruction of his readers.

on Occurrences 1%

The multiplication of reviews, magazines, manuals, and abstracts has impaired the love of, and perhaps the capacity for, study, research, and scholarship on which the general quality of literature must depend.

out Occurrences 1%

We need more laboratories, more scholarships out of the general mass of elementary scholars, a quasi-military discipline in our colleges and a great array of new colleges, a much readier access to instruction in aviation and military and naval practice.

than Occurrences 1%

A word before you goTake warning by meavoid that same serpent, wisdomPray to the Saints to make you a blockheadNever send your boys to schoolFor Heaven knows, a poor man that will live honest, and die in his bed, ought to have no more scholarship than a parson, and no more brains than your jackass.

about Occurrences 1%

The slight figure was not above medium height; he had a stoop in the shoulders that added to his general appearance of delicacy; he was scholarly from the crown of his black head to the very tip of his worn, velvet slipper; his slender hands, with their perfectly kept nails, and even the stain of ink on the forefinger of his right hand, had an air of scholarship about them.

Which preposition to use with  scholarship