Which preposition to use with scoured

with Occurrences 11%

This is best accomplished by steeping in the solution pieces of linen, and hanging them about the rooms, as also frequently and freely sprinkling the walls themselves; and as soon as the invalid is removed, the chamber should be white-washed, the various articles of furniture well scoured with soap and water, and the room be well and freely ventilated prior to its being again occupied.

in Occurrences 8%

I set out only after long thought, seizing the moment when the vaguely perceived band were scouring in the other direction intercepting the travellers.

of Occurrences 8%

Only by ages of glacier crush and grind, by scour of floods, by centuries of storm and sun.

for Occurrences 7%

Who is't that to their Beauty would submit, And yet refuse the Fetters of their Wit? He tells you tales of Stratagems and Spies; Can they need Art that have such powerful Eyes? Believe me, Gallants, he'as abus'd you all; There's not a Vizard in our whole Cabal: Those are but Pickeroons that scour for prey And catch up all they meet with in their way; Who can no Captives take, for all they do Is pillage ye, then gladly let you go.

along Occurrences 3%

At the next moment, he turned his horse, and was seen scouring along the road towards the Hut.

to Occurrences 3%

There was not only the inevitable great pewter platter, scoured to silver brightness, in the center of the table, and piled with solid masses of boiled beef, pork, cabbage and all sorts of vegetables, and the equally inevitable smoking loaf of rye and Indian bread, to accompany the pot of baked pork and beans, but there were specimens of all the newly-made Thanksgiving pies filling every available space on the table.

across Occurrences 2%

Isolated words or phrases in the lines I read sent questions scouring across my mind, sure sign that the deeper part of me was restless and ill at ease.

from Occurrences 2%

I will have the deck scoured from end to end.

over Occurrences 2%

Anon he was scouring over the plains on horseback, with the savages at his heels; and at such times Dick would spring with almost supernatural strength from the ground, and run madly over the burning plain; but, as if by a species of fascination, he always returned to the salt river, and sank exhausted by its side, or plunged helplessly into its waters.

through Occurrences 2%

And putting spurs to Cloud, Verty scoured through the pine hills, and in an hour drew near his home.

toward Occurrences 2%

" This facetious epigram was duly relished, and the sage was turning his toasted side from the fire to present the other, when the clatter of a horse coming up the hillside sent the group scouring toward their guns, stacked near the unfinished walls.

on Occurrences 1%

Many a mile had he scoured on its back.

before Occurrences 1%

If you boil vinegar with pickles in bell metal do not let them stand in it one moment after taken from the fire, and be sure that your kettle is well scoured before using.

after Occurrences 1%

She was now getting much alarmed and dropping the boughs, took to flight, and she had scarcely cleared the rubbish, when Sappho came scouring after her, jumping upon her as if glad to see her again.

into Occurrences 1%

Oliver's father pointed to the other side and walked to the end of the fissure where they could look down into the round pool that had been scoured into the rock.

like Occurrences 1%

Frae twenty-four to five-and-forty, My muse was neither sweer nor dorty, My Pegasus would break his tether, E'en at the shagging of a feather, And through ideas scour like drift, Streaking his wings up to the lift; Then, then my soul was in a low, That gart my members safely row; But eild and judgment 'gin to say, Let be your sangs, and learn to pray.

between Occurrences 1%

All through the night we scoured between the hills: The moon went down behind us, and the stars Dropped after her; but long before I saw A planet blazing straight against our eyes, The road had softened, and the shadowy hills Had flattened out, and I could hear the hiss Of sand spurned backward by the flying mares.

Which preposition to use with  scoured