Which preposition to use with seclusion

of Occurrences 195%

" Never stirring, he found a voice to say, "I'm not askin' you to stay"the other turned and whistled, for Nig had retired again to the seclusion of the gray blanket screen"I only want to tell you something before you go.

in Occurrences 38%

I was living in honesty and seclusion in Richmond, when Boone, who had never lost sight of me, came with a mission for me to perform.

from Occurrences 23%

The isle, however, is finely situate off the Atlantic, fanned and swept by healthy gales, and the prisoners suffer only seclusion from the Continent.

at Occurrences 11%

Peace and seclusion at the club afforded no relief however.

with Occurrences 9%

Hers was one of those houses set back from the street, combining an air of seclusion with such elegance as could not possibly escape the notice of the passer-by.

for Occurrences 9%

Yet she advised him never to return to Calicut, unless he could do so with honour; and that he should therefore continue in seclusion for a time, and afterwards endeavour to recover his credit and reputation by victory, or lose all in the attempt.

on Occurrences 5%

The individual whose habits and character are here given, was a gentleman of the neighbourhood, a man of talent and learning, who had been educated at one of our Universities, and returned to pass his time in seclusion on his own estate.

than Occurrences 3%

There they dwelt, shunned by everybody, in a stricter and more desolate seclusion than ever.

by Occurrences 2%

George Sandys, an idle man, who had been a great traveller, and who did not remain in America, a poet, whose verse was tolerated by Dryden and praised by Isaac Walton, beguiled the ennui of his seclusion by translating the whole of Ovid's Metamorphoses.

as Occurrences 2%

No man is so safe in seclusion as the one of large vanities and small ambitions.

during Occurrences 2%

All Rome flocked to the chapel, feeling that something stupendous was to be expected after the long months of solitude and seclusion during which the silent master had been working.

about Occurrences 1%

There is a good deal of aristocratic seclusion about the place, as it is surrounded by walls, and entirely cut off from the world without; but there is little appearance of luxury and comfort about it.

without Occurrences 1%

" "Dost think thy ailments will allow thee to go abroad on the morrow?" "I know not, I am at Janet's mercy and I cannot leave my seclusion without her permission.

after Occurrences 1%

It seemed quite natural that his wife should choose seclusion after the awful tragedy at her home in Virginia.

amid Occurrences 1%

" By profession a lawyer, but without practice, living in grim seclusion amid his books and collections; a man of solid acquirements and large culture, who had travelled in Italy and first awakened in Wolfgang the longing for that land; a man of ample means, inhabiting a stately mansion.

among Occurrences 1%

What he meant, I gathered, was that, owing to the fact that Gussie had just completed a five years' stretch of blameless seclusion among the newts, all the goofiness which ought to have been spread out thin over those five years and had been bottled up during that period came to the surface on this occasion in a lumpor, if you prefer to put it that way, like a tidal wave.

amongst Occurrences 1%

It is to be called Taffy was a Thief; and those who have had the privilege of seeing early copies of the book, which Mr. Blodwen wrote during his seclusion amongst the Hairy Ainus, describe it as lurid in the extreme.

before Occurrences 1%

I gave him the sermon and the proper handkerchief, then left him to his hour of seclusion before service, when even Sophie never went nigh.

behind Occurrences 1%

can, afterward going into seclusion behind McMullin's horse-shed, before the diuretic effect of tin flavored with blasting-powder could be observed by the attentive eye of science.

into Occurrences 1%

Nevertheless, to me, who had just come to town from a quiet country seclusion into which news made its entry teredo-fashion only, the performances of the Agamemnon and Niagara were matters of fresh and vivid interest.

over Occurrences 1%

The elders of this party retired from public sight, where, unoffended by the reigning saturnalia, they might dream in seclusion over their departed Utopia.

until Occurrences 1%

When I engaged the room I had very foolishly told them that it would be occupied by a lovely lady who had consented to be my wife, and that she would remain here in happy seclusion until such time as all arrangements for our wedding were complete.

within Occurrences 1%

This habit of independence and of seclusion within the narrow circle of his own work so grew upon him in later years that mechanical science made many advances of which he took little or no note, and of which he refused to avail himself, even though he might have done so greatly to his own advantage.

Which preposition to use with  seclusion