Which preposition to use with shees

in Occurrences 2%

"For shee in field, where-ever I did wend, Would wend with me, and waite by me all day; And all the night that I in watch did spend, If cause requir'd, or els in sleepe, if nay, 130 Shee would all night by me or watch or sleepe; And evermore when I did sleepe or play, She of my flock would take full warie keepe*.

to Occurrences 1%

At the posterne Shee to whose hand you gave your letter, Fryar, Attends for your despatch:my busines I hope shalbee despatcht then:Fare you well, Fayle mee this night and ever.

unto Occurrences 1%

I cannot blame thee, Otho, Though thou be ignorant of her high worth, Since here in Saxon we are strangers both; But if thou cal'st to minde why we left Meath, Reade the trice reason in that Ladies eye, Daughter unto the Duke of Saxonie, Shee unto whom so many worthy Lords Vail'd Bonnet when she past the Triangle, Making the pavement Ivory where she trode.

Which preposition to use with  shees