Which preposition to use with shop

in Occurrences 391%

We bought some toys one year for one of our Christmas trees in the country from a poor old lame woman who had a tiny shop in one of the small streets running out of the rue du Bac.

of Occurrences 264%

This memorable conversation took place, in fact, in the shop of my maternal uncle, a well-known dealer in antiquities and objets d'art, No. 53, Rue des Claquettes, at the sign of the "Maltese Cross"a perfect museum of curiosities.

for Occurrences 119%

'I like shopping for you.

with Occurrences 109%

No two students ever come out of the same school, college, or shop with the same education.

at Occurrences 106%

He took great pains to circulate in our town the story that the railroad company would locate their round-houses and machine shops at Hays City, and that it was to be the town and a splendid business center.

on Occurrences 76%

They had no book in the Bath shop on piracy in Cornwall.

to Occurrences 47%

what would I give to know the ways of the town as well as my cousin Annina, who passes at will from her father's shop to the Lido, and from St. Mark's to the Rialto, as her pleasure suits.

as Occurrences 19%

The country child is frequently very ignorant of money values; probably it will be necessary to take the country general shop as the basis.

near Occurrences 16%

However, there is a German blacksmith's shop near by, and they watch to see what Jacob will do.

without Occurrences 14%

I had to start from basics which meant purchasing glass for six tanks, having the glass pieces cut to specifications and then having the pieces delivered at the shop without a scratch.

from Occurrences 13%

It would be impossible to describe the miserable sensations, both of body and mind, with which I dragged myself across the crowded pavement, not without curses and even kicks from the passers-by, and avoiding the shop from which I still heard those shrieks of devilish laughter, gathered myself up in the shelter of a little projection of a wall, where I was for the moment safe.

into Occurrences 11%

They are accustomed to be sent shopping into High Street, where household stores are bought in pennyworths or twopennyworths, owing to uncertain finance and no storage accommodation.

by Occurrences 8%

So the Grammar was studied and Virgil read at chance intervals, when a storm interrupted out-door work, or while waiting at the upper mill for a grist, or of nights at the shop by the light of the forge fire.

like Occurrences 7%

Yo known, folk doesn't like brastin' off abeawt theirsel' o' at once, at a shop like that. . . .

than Occurrences 6%

Probably a dollar's worth of almost any thing out of any other shop than a druggist's would "cleanse their blood" better,a geranium, for instance, or a photograph, or a concert, or a book, or even fried oysters,any thing, no matter what, so it is innocent, which gives them a little pleasure, breaks in on the monotony of their work or their trouble, and makes them have for one half-hour a "good time."

opposite Occurrences 6%

Cory is dead, that kept the shop opposite St. Dunstan's, but the tougher materials of the shop survive the perishing frame of its keeper.

before Occurrences 5%

They reached the shop before which Gracie was waiting for them, and stopped.

under Occurrences 5%

The shops under the arcades are chiefly devoted to articles of luxury, and are among the most elegant in Paris.

across Occurrences 5%

It had been a storekeeper, with a shop across the street, who had called the attention of Dave and his four comrades to the probable fate of another of their class.

about Occurrences 5%

"And while you have been making inquiries at the shops about the handkerchief I have been down to the Law Courts branch of the Equity Bank where Sir Horace kept his account.

behind Occurrences 4%

He had another taste of their quality at Las Palmas, where they made trouble with the port guards and Brown brawled in the cheap wine shops behind the cathedral.

beyond Occurrences 4%

As I think back it seems to me that not until that moment had it occurred to us to regard closely the cottages and shops beyond the clumped trees of the chateau grounds.

along Occurrences 4%

The shops along Theobald's Road were wrecked, but in the heaps of broken glass in each show window were improvised signs such as, "Don't sympathize with us, buy something."

out Occurrences 3%

I pray heaven for a lazy and lucrative office, and then I shall with alacrity turn my shop out of the window.

over Occurrences 3%

(Such was the popularity of the Diable Boiteux, that two young men fought a duel in a bookseller's shop over the only remaining copy, an incident worthy to be recorded by Asmodeus himself.)

Which preposition to use with  shop