Which preposition to use with slips

of Occurrences 527%

That there had been a land-slip of some kind, I had little doubt; but the cause was beyond my knowledge; and yet, even then, I had half imaginings; for, already, the thought had come to me, of those falling rocks, and that Thing in the bottom of the Pit; but, in the first minutes of confusion, I failed to reach the natural conclusion, to which the catastrophe pointed.

from Occurrences 459%

At once the poor wretch began his fruitless task of hunting for the dice, which for ever slipped from his fingers.

into Occurrences 433%

In addition, I loaded, and slipped into my pocket, a small, but heavy, pistol.

out Occurrences 239%

"It is stated that a well-known yacht failed to win the prize in the late race, because her rudder slipped out of her fastenings and was lost.

through Occurrences 210%

The only indisputable fact I could adduce was that I had allowed my authority to slip through my fingers.

on Occurrences 187%

"But no one could slip on that ice; it is quite rough, might almost be a ploughed field,"but they were uncomfortable, and were very pleased when I landed safely on the other side and got into the carriage.

in Occurrences 170%

The children slipped in the mud.

off Occurrences 130%

She slipped off her boots, and stole gently up to the door that divided her room from the pedlar's.

to Occurrences 103%

I choose, rather, to slip to another angle of the question and say a few words about cowards, among whom I have already confessed that I number myself.

over Occurrences 64%

Hardly had they reached midstream when Bangura's rifle band, slipping over his arms, pinned them to his side.

down Occurrences 60%

" I slipped down a rope, and dropped into the boat, taking my place with a steering oar at the stern, and we shot away through the green water.

by Occurrences 55%

Something slipped by the open doorsomething that glimmered faintly; and Lefty Joe knew that it was the red head of Donnegan.

under Occurrences 37%

At first I thought it merely a gorge in the rock, but even while peering for the end wall we slipped under the archway and found ourselves in a vast room.

past Occurrences 36%

Even if I slipped past the watchers in the woods and the glens, the land between would be strewn with fragments of the Cherokee host, and I had not the Indian craft.

between Occurrences 30%

To the eastward Sherman still clung desperately to the crests he had won, but Jack saw with agony that, slipping between him and the river, a great wedge of gray was hurrying forward.

along Occurrences 26%

I stumbled and slipped along the hill-side, my breath labouring, and a moaning at my lips from sheer agony and weakness.

behind Occurrences 25%

Gloria drew back hastily, glancing about her, found the only hiding-place offered, and slipped behind the big rock.

at Occurrences 22%

I gave them the slip at Watauga.

across Occurrences 21%

Gradually, I grew more collected, while the world slipped across the centuries into the future.

like Occurrences 20%

Often, when time did not press, he would lead me, clumsy as I was, so that I could almost touch the muzzle of a crouching deer, or lay a hand on a yellow panther, before it slipped like a live streak of light into the gloom.

about Occurrences 18%

He ran back on another tack and slipped about Lefty.

around Occurrences 15%

"What's your name and company?" "John Sprague, Caribees, Company K." "Slip around the edge of the skirt of bushes.

for Occurrences 15%

But were any of these considerations sufficient to justify me in letting my whole manhood slip for the sake of one who, whatever the provocation, had used the strength of her hands against the sister who had been as a mother to her for so many years.

with Occurrences 10%

And, of course," concluded Libbie, "I put ten dollars in the bottle, because whoever found it had the slip with my name on it to show Mrs. Eustice.

among Occurrences 7%

They came towards sundown, slipping among us like ghosts.

Which preposition to use with  slips