Which preposition to use with smokings

of Occurrences 17%

The smoking of pipes was common, and thoughtless profanity was to be heard on all sides as an ordinary part of speech.

in Occurrences 12%

I have a second sight, Henry, and it shows me you dead on the floor there, looking bigger than ever, and I see the gun smoking in my hand and my heart as dead as ashes!

on Occurrences 7%

The warriors now, with sad forebodings wrung, I sacked twelve ample cities on the main, And twelve lay smoking on the Trojan plain.

by Occurrences 4%

Whatever it may have been in the past, I am inclined to think that smoking by women is more common in this country than it is in Cuba, particularly among the middle and upper social classes.

at Occurrences 3%

On one point we are sure that we shall agree with the ladies, and that is in a sincere denunciation of the habit of smoking at a tender age.

before Occurrences 2%

He was still "frightfully bunged up," but "I think we'll push on to-morrow," he said that night, as he sat by the fire smoking before turning in.

for Occurrences 2%

Joshuah Silvester questioned whether the devil had done more harm in latter ages by means of fire and smoke, through the invention of guns, or of tobacco-pipes; and he conjectured that Satan introduced the fashion, as a preparatory course of smoking for those who were to be matriculated in his own college: As roguing Gipsies tan their little elves, To make them tann'd and ugly, like themselves.

with Occurrences 1%

The mighty son of Pritha then, his mouth smoking with wrath, struck the invincible god in the form of a Kirata, with his clenched fists, blows that descended like thunderbolts.

as Occurrences 1%

Nor was the bottle smoking as always hitherto.

from Occurrences 1%

Doc's dinner was ready for him when he got back from church, and it was real foodthat is to say, hot food, a-sizzling and a-smoking from the stove.

to Occurrences 1%

LONG BRANCH, Oct. 22While smoking to-day with GRANT, I asked him what he thought of the European complication, and he answered with a most expressive silence.

until Occurrences 1%

" He lit his pipe and sat up in bed smoking until a knock at the front door at half-past eleven sent him off to sleep again.

around Occurrences 1%

The natives hold a solemn smoking around the Spanish God, which is followed by singing and dancing, as to one of their own Zemés.

Which preposition to use with  smokings