Which preposition to use with snail

in Occurrences 13%

The stately house gleamed white down on the terraced green knoll; horses and cattle grazed in the pasture; workmen moved like snails in the brown gardens; a motor-car crept along the road far below, with its trail of rising dust.

of Occurrences 5%

The first thing he notices to-day is, that the Evening Snail of last night is not so good as it was a fortnight ago; or, let us think a bitit may have been a good number at the beginning of last month that he was thinking of; at all events, this last issue is inferior.

to Occurrences 3%

Says the snail to the avalanche: 'Go slow!'

on Occurrences 3%

To exterminate warts a host of plants have been recommended; the juice of the dandelion being in favour in the Midland counties, whereas in the North, one has but to hang a snail on a thorn, and as the poor creature wastes away the warts will disappear.

with Occurrences 3%

My dear, would you care to come to-morrow quite informally, and take a simple snail with us?

after Occurrences 2%

We are off again, but now the sun shines from a cloudless sky on a sea of sapphire, and the passengers are sunning themselves on deck like snails after a shower.

for Occurrences 2%

During my enforced stay in Daraga the natives brought me mussels and snails for sale; and several of them wished to enter my service, as they felt "a particular vocation for Natural History."

into Occurrences 2%

She must be an abandoned woman, who will not shrink as a snail into its shell at a gross and sudden attempt.

out Occurrences 2%

My idea is that taking snails out of their shells, you pound them to a paste CHANTECLER And make them into troches!

without Occurrences 1%

The snail without wings, feet, or thread, adheres to a stalk by a provision of sticking-plaster.

over Occurrences 1%

I was early abroad in my garden last Thursday week, and in the act of tossing a snail over my box hedge, when I heard some girls' voices giggling, and caught a glimpse of half-a-dozen sun-bonnets gathered about the well.

before Occurrences 1%

Let us comply with the dictates of sweetness and light, in reasonable expectation that iniquity will melt away of itself, like a snail before the fire.

among Occurrences 1%

Here in his home, the first thing that he saw through the window upon awaking was a Catalunian edifice, rich and monstrous, like the palaces that the hypnotist evolves in his dreams,an amalgamation of Persian flowers, Gothic columns, trunks of trees, with quadrupeds, reptiles and snails among the cement foliage.

near Occurrences 1%

Upon a gooseberry-bush a snail I found, For always snails near sweetest fruit abound.

Which preposition to use with  snail